~The Apology~

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What if Gilbert had apologized to Anne when she went over to Ruby's burnt house to give scones to the working men?

(This story is located in season 1, episode 4)

A/N: Remember that each story I write is a different one, it has no sequence or connection to one an other, enjoy!

It was a cold breezy day, and Anne and her soon to be friend Ruby, went over to give fresh scones to the men that were working hard to rebuild the Gillis's house.

When they got there, they found the minister and offered him a scone, as well as Mathew, and some other gentlemen.

Suddenly when Anne and Ruby were making their way to pass out more scones, Ruby fell over a branch.

And the mean boy, Billy Andrews started laughing.

Ruby was quite upset, not because of the pain, it didn't really hurt, but because she didn't liked being teased.

Anne in the other hand was furious at Billy, he was such a Bully. "If you are so busy being a bully, why don't you just give me the hammer and I'll finish the work myself!", yelled Anne.

Billy just kept on laughing.

Gilbert sighed, he didn't really liked Billy, he didn't even know how he ended up being his "friend", and Gilbert heated it when he bothered people, so he decided to go help Ruby, he also felt guilty about the way he treated Anne, and he wanted to apologize to her, so this was his chance.

Gilbert made his way down the later and helped Ruby get up.

Ruby was so happy that Gilbert had helped her, that she didn't even remember what had happened.

But Anne wasn't surprised at all, she was still mad at him, because of what had happened at school.

Gilbert was about to apologize when Anne interrupted: "come on Ruby, let's go home".

Then Billy shouted: "Yea go home and make some more cookies!".

That was it, Anne couldn't take Billy any longer, and before she could even think about it twice she grabbed a hammer, went up the later, and started doing Billy's job.

Billy was surprised and he didn't wanted to loose this battle so he said: "I am surprised that you can even grave the hammer".

Anne just couldn't believe it, but before she answered, Gilbert said: "Of course she can, she is strong, and she is really smart smarter that you, so if I were you I would shut up and learn from the best".

Anne was astonished, as much as Gilbert was for saying that, she didn't know what to do, so she just gave Gilbert a thankful smile, which Gilbert happily returned.

Confused Billy said: "Gilbert are you saying that now you like this ugly orphan?, I thought you didn't even like her, you even teased her and called her carrots!".

Anne shook at the memory of that awful day, and just kept hammering.

Gilbert made a shameful sigh and said: "I did and Anne I am really, really sorry about that, I was never my intention to hurt you, I just found you mesmerizing and really wanted you to be my friend, but you didn't talk to me and I didn't understand why, and unfortunately I reacted badly, and I called you carrots, and I've been meaning to tell you how sorry I am about that, and ple-please come back to school, don't go because of me". He said hesitating that last part, but quite relieved about the apology he had just given.

Anne was amazed at Gilbert's words: "Thank you Gilbert, it really means to me a lot what you said, and I think that I will come back to school, besides I can't take any more of that boring housework".

They both exchanged laughs.

Maybe Anne was a Gilbert Blithe fan...

A/N: Hey guys hope you liked this story as much as I did! Please comment and give me more ideas about things that could have gone differently in the story of "Anne with an E".

Feel free to tell me if you disagree with something to! I'll take into consideration and see what I can do about it.

I will be uploading often, at least one or two stories per week.

Take care! Can't wait to upload next!

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