Chapter 1

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I awake to the sound of my 6 am. alarm going off. I hit the snooze button, remembering that I would find out if I got in the Hunger Games Movie today. I had originally auditioned for Katniss Everdeen, but I was too young so instead, I auditioned for Clove as I still really wanted to be a part of the making of one of my favorite books. I quickly get up and change into some black running shorts and a loose gray tank top. I slip on my running shoes and throw my hair into a messy ponytail. I grab my phone and earbuds and start to run around my neighborhood.

I run around 5 miles, and once I get home I quickly jump into the hot, steamy shower.

My name is Isabelle Fuhrman, and I am 15 years old. I have an older sister named Madeline, and my family and I live in Atlanta Georgia. You may have seen me in one of the famous movies, Orphan, but I'm much older now.

Once I get out of the Shower, I begin to brush out my tangled black hair, when I'm interrupted by the loud ringing of my phone.


"Hey, Isabelle!"

"Hey, Henry!" I answer, wondering why my agent was calling me.

"You know the latest part you auditioned for?" He asks, and my breath catches in my through, and a gigantic wave of nervousness washes over me.

"Yeah?" I say quietly.

"Well, you got the Part! Congrats Girl!"

"Oh my Gosh! What?! " I answer back, all the nerves quickly disappearing.

"Yep! You've worked really hard, and everyone was really impressed, and thought that you will be perfect for the role of Clove!" Henry says, making me grin. "Anyways, everything will be explained at the read-through of the script with the rest of the cast tomorrow!"

Henry continues to explain everything that I'll need tomorrow, and I quickly thank him, hanging up, and quickly getting dressed for another boring day of school.


I walk downstairs and put on the saddest face I can muster.


"Yeah, sweetie?" She says looking up from her project and saw my sad face. "What's wrong, baby girl?"

"Mom, I'm going into the 74th Hunger Games," I say sadly, trying not to let my excitement show.

"What? Wait, you got the part?!" she says, covering her face with her hands, when she realizes what I said, and begins to jump up and down.

"Yeah!" I say grinning.

I began to jump up and down with her, causing us both to begin squealing like little kids, and I explain everything that Henry told me.

"What's all the squealing for?" Maddy asks questionably, poking her head down the stairs to look at us.

"Me," I tell her, leaning casually against the counter.

"Why? Did you get the part in the movie you auditioned for?" She asks me. I didn't tell her what I tried out for, since it was her favorite book, and I wanted to surprise her if I got the part. All she knows is that I auditioned for a movie.

"Yeah!" I say, and she envelopes me in a hug.

"Now that you have the part, can I know the Movie that you're going to be in? Please?" She begs, making me laugh.

"The Hunger Games!" I answer, a large grin enveloping my whole face.

"You're kidding aren't you."

"I'm not. I'm going to be Clove!' I tell her, and she screams in delight.

"Oh my Gosh, Oh my Gosh!" She says, and once she calms down a bit, she says "When are you leaving?"

"I don't know, but I have a read-through with the rest of the cast at the director's house tomorrow at 10!" I answer, still in shock that I got the part.

"I dibs driving you!" She answered, and I laugh.

"Yeah okay, Mads! You just want to meet the actors, huh." I answer back, and she just blushes.

I hear a Honk outside my house, signaling that my best friend Hannah is waiting, and I sling my backpack over my shoulder as I wave goodbye, and walk out the front door. 

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