Chapter 11

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6 months later

Rachel walked inside the apartment with the key Quinn had given her and was suddenly surrounded by the smell of homemade dinner and scented candles, that the blonde had placed around her living room. She placed the keys back into her purse and locked the door behind herself, before kicking her shoes off; the wooden floor was warm under her bare feet and gave her a sense of warmth that only her dads were able to offer. until now.

"Quinn?" She called out as she moved further in the candle bathed apartment; she sat her purse on the nearby counter and walked into the open living room, where she saw a table set for two and few dishes laid out for them to eat.

"Hey gorgeous.." Familiar arms slipped around her waist from behind, making her slightly jump into her lover's embrace who could only chuckle and drop a soothing kiss on her temple. "So, the key is working fine..." She husked in the brunette's ear, who laced their fingers together against her stomach and leaned back into her slightly taller frame.

"It works perfectly, thanks for it..." Rachel turned her head enough to place a lingering kiss against the corner of her lips, that quirked up in a soft smile.

"C'mon, let's eat what I made for us." The blonde pushed them toward the dinner table and pulled the chair out for the brunette, who straightened her dress below her as she took her seat and thanked her with a soft smile. The escort sat across from her and poured some wine in both glasses, while the brunette scooped some rice salad for herself.

"Not that I would complain or question the honesty of the dinner, but did I miss an important date or event?" Rachel took a mouthful of food and hummed in appreciation, simply adoring the way her girlfriend could be a dynamo between the sheets and a perfect cook in the kitchen.

"Straight to the point, huh?" Quinn chuckled and grabbed an envelope from below her plate and slid it across the wooden surface, for Rachel to take. "I want you to be the first one to know, not even Brody is aware of this." She smiled softly and nodded when the brunette silently asked whether it was okay or not to open it. "You can read it..."

"Okay.." Curiosity took the best of Rachel, who eagerly unfolded the pristine letter and frowned at the familiar name written at the top, on the right. "Columbia University?" She muttered to herself and just kept on reading further on, toward the bottom of the long letter. "OMG! QUINN!" She squealed in delight and jumped out of her seat, to congratulate her girlfriend with a hard smack on her lips. "You got into Columbia Undergraduate program?! Why didn't you tell me?" She slapped the blonde upside the head before smothering her with more kisses.

"I...I wasn't sure I'd get in and I didn't want to disappoint you, baby." Quinn's hands grabbed onto her hips, keeping her safely in her lap. "It might be hard, but I do think it is going to help my business with Brody too." She looked up at her girlfriend, who smiled proudly and palmed her cheeks gently. "I could...I could just take care of the business side, you know? I have mentioned it to Brody and we could hire someone else or just let Brody take care of the Clients, while I take charge of the back office activities."

"If you feel it's something you want, then you can do that; I don't want you to give up on it, to make me happy or less jealous." Rachel slipped her arms around her neck and rested their foreheads together. "I can't say that I won't be less worried, if you decide to stop seeing your clients but it is your career and I don't want to get in between."

"It's not just that..." Quinn played with the hem of the brunette's dress and looked briefly away from her. "I don't want to put any kind of pressure on you, but if I think about a future for us...a real future that would require steady careers and settling together, I don't think that being a high-end escort would be suitable nor I would want our potential kids to be kept in the dark or even ashamed of what I do." She felt the brunette's hands turn her head back, so their eyes could meet.

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