Chapter 1

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Rachel wasn't sure why she had decided to do this. She had never done something like that, before, nor she had ever thought to be able to cheat on her on/off boyfriend (high school sweetheart), but her predicament required more drastic measures. 1 year. 1 year since she had given her virginity to Finn Hudson, with the expectations of sharing the wonderful experience with the boy she had fallen in love with. Pain? She expected that. Shyness? That too. But she never thought she wouldn't have been able to feel "nothing", after the first moments of merely fumbling around. Since then, every time she had fallen in bed with him - thankfully, just fewer times than he had wanted to - she had to either fake or praise his "quick" performance, so that he'd get lost in his small bubble where he was a perfect lover.

Although, the more she tried, the worse it became until she just started making excuses up that left her less disappointed but still very frustrated. Sexual frustration turned into a black mood, that visibly affected her other relationships - friends, mostly - until Kurt had showed him a business card, that could have put an end to her misery.

"He is a very attractive guy, Rachel. I am pretty sure that he could fix that "problem" of yours at a reasonable price." Kurt slipped the business card under her palm and winked at her. "We both know that Finn won't be able to get the job done, sad but true. He can be a good guy, but he sucks in bed and don't tell me Santana didn't warn you about that."

"That's an awful thing to say, although I can admit that he is quite lacking in that department." Rachel looked away embarrassed, recalling the last time they attempted to have sex and that lasted 5 minutes, top. "How do I contact this 'WestBray' company?" She looked at the company's contacts. "Are they trustworthy with privacy? Is it even legal to have encounters with these people?"

"Live a little, Rach. He is a guy like me, well not exactly like me. A classmate of mine hadn't had some in ages and after one night with him, she was glowing like after a girl's first time." The flamboyant boy patted her hand. "Call him and ask him if the services are for women, only."

The brunette took a deep breath and knocked on the hotel door. It was a luxury hotel and it seemed to be very respectful of the customers' private business. No one had asked her what her purpose was nor fixed her with inquisitive glances, that would have made her bolt out of there without looking back. When the door opened, though, her breath was stolen for a totally different reason.

A tall gorgeous blonde was standing there, wearing a pantsuit that accentuated her paler skin tone and that made her hazel eyes shine brighter. Rachel stood there, completely mesmerized by the girl's beauty as the grip on her purse had grown stronger, to the point her knuckles had turned white.

"Miss Berry, I presume. Please, do come in." The unknown blonde stepped aside and gently guided her inside the room, locking the door behind themselves. She led the silent brunette further into the room, offering a glass of fine champagne to probably ease the discomfort or break the ice. "My business partner briefly filled me with your precise requests and I assure you, Miss, that I am more than qualified to fulfill them."

"But...pardon my bluntness and please, do not take it in a bad way because I can assure you I am not homophobic nor I have anything against them, since I have lived with two dads and my best friend is gay himself." Rachel drank from the glass and stared at the woman, who nodded and motioned for her to go on. "I am not gay. I have a boyfriend and I've always identified myself as a heterosexual, although I am flattered because you are an obviously gorgeous woman."

"Miss Berry, as I previously mentioned, I can meet all the requirements you asked for and - not to outshine my business partner - I am the one charging the highest fees, given my personal track records. No one ever complained about my services." Quinn smiled charmingly at the brunette, who gulped and finished her champagne. "Before we start, I would like to point out few rules that I hope you will agree upon. Number 1: There is no time rush. Your fees are Quality-based, so unless you have other engagements for the night, the room and my services will be at your disposal until tomorrow morning. Number 2: I usually suggest my clients to start with a relaxing bath that I will personally start. Number 3: Your pleasure is my priority. I will meet every request you may have, unless violent acts or very 'extravagant' fantasies are involved. Number 4: Terms of endearment and kisses are allowed. Number 5 and the most important: If you are not comfortable with anything, please do not hesitate voicing that out." The blonde smiled at the shorter brunette, who could only nod in approval. "Very well, may I escort you to the bathroom, Miss?"

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