Billy Tessio - Hangover

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     (Hey! This was requested by @haleygraham19 )

Last night you had decided to get absolutely blasted with a few of your friends from school. True, it wasn't a good idea, but clearly was a fun one.

As you woke up from your drunken rest you had realized that you weren't in your own bed, quickly getting up and looking around. You soon realized that you were in your boyfriend's room, Billy Tessio. You had been dating Billy for almost seven months, which was pretty impressive for Billy. A loud groan left you as you soon laid back down, getting a wave of nausea . "Jesus fuckin' Christ." You muttered as you rolled onto your stomach, smothering yourself with Billy's pillows.

As you were fussing over your pain Billy had swung the door open, clearly not caring if he had woken you. "You're finally awake, doll." He said as he had boughten up some Tylenol and a glass of water, setting it on his nightstand. "Question, why the fuck did you show up blitzed to my house?" Billy questioned as he plopped onto the foot of his bed.

"I- Hey, I cant explain. All I remember was the seventeen shots I took." You said with a breathy laugh, sitting up once again.

"Well, you almost woke up my Ma and I would've gotten hided." The boy complained as he gave a playful glare.

You shrugged and rolled your eyes," But you still love me~" you hummed before wincing In pain. "Ugh, I have a killer headache." You groaned as you leaned your head back and rubbed your forehead.

"Ain't that a bite." Billy said in a sarcastic tone, leaning down and fixing his jean cuff.

"Oh get bent, grease." You said in the same sarcastic manner as Billy, grabbing the Tylenol and plopping it in your mouth. Before you could even grab the glass of water you had felt that kick in your stomach and the feeling of something running up your throat. You quickly got up and ran to Billy's bathroom, which was just across the hall. You didn't even bother to close the door before you started to puke your guts out. Just another reminder not to drink on an empty stomach.

Billy walked to the bathroom, leaning against the doorframe. "Ah shit." He huffed as he stomped his foot. "Guess I gotta cancel on the guys." He said before he got closer, rubbing your back. " I really can't leave alone like this." The boy mumbled.

"No, no, I'm fine." You said quietly as you wiped away the puke from your lips.

"Doll face, you ain't changing my mind, now come here." Billy said as he dragged you back into his room and on his bed once again. Billy wrapped his arms around you, kicking off his boots as he held you. "Not gonna complain?" He asked.

"Nope." You shook your head as you pushed your back closer to Billy's chest, which he took no complaint in.

"Good." He said as he placed a hand upon your stomach, gently rubbing your stomach. "You'll be better soon, hopefully." He mumbled as he placed small kisses against the back of your neck.

As you guys spent an hour or so cuddling, honks were heard outside. It was Ace and the others hooligans. Billy just groaned and got up. "I'll be back, babe, gimme a sec."


Howdy! Remember to always request : ) I looooove writing for u guys!

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