Ace merrill - cuz i wanna

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HeYy, it's my first lil post! this was requested by

You've lived in Castle Rock your whole life and you know the little business that all the shops and diners get, So they'll take anything they can get
Today you went to the bar downtown . you were supposed to meet with a friend, but they didn't show, which they either ditched you or got busted at home. Either one was possible.
You were sitting up at the counter, glancing at the clock every few minutes or so, waiting for that bastard of what you call friend. By this time, you had ordered yourself a drink, the cheapest thing you could get. Even though the sign outside clearly stated ' NO MINORS',you were able to get in and order a drink, no ID needed.

You sighed as you swished around the dark liquid in your small glass, waiting. Your gaze went back to the clock again, you turned around as you the jingle from the door being opened. You rolled your eyes as you saw Ace Merrill in all his douchebaggery. You quickly looked back at your drink. You had once been friends with that asshole , in grade school before he became a complete dickface.

"Well, look at what we got...the biggest bitch in the county, Y/N." Ace snickered as he walked behind you and leaned against the counter top, looking at you with his shit eating smirk.You scoffed and looked him up and down.
" whatever you say, Johnny." you said as you took a sip of your drink

" don't call me that or I'll feed you to the coyotes." Ace chuckled as he pulled up a stool and sat beside you. "Now , tell me, why is Y/N sittin all alone?'' he asked as he chewed on that stupid toothpick.

"Well, I was supposed to be here with F/N (FRIEND'S NAME), but I guess they ditched me." you said as you flashed a small smile.

"Wouldn't blame them." Ace snickered as he looked at you, his eyes heading South.

"Eyes up here, Merrill." You snapped as you push his head up, his only response was a chuckle followed by a smirk.

You two talked for a few more minutes before the rest of Ace's gang showed up, them laughing and being the hoodlums that they are. Of course they went quieted as they saw Ace talking to you. You didn't hear, but Fuzzy whispered something to Vince, probably about you.

"Can I fucking help you?" Ace asked with sternness, his eyes darting to his group of buddies.They didn't say anything back and quickly got drinks and set up a game of pool.

"Hey,um, Ace, wanna join?" Charlie asked with slight shakiness in his voice, it was rather awkward, he even looked at Billy.

"Not this time." Ace said as he grabbed the toothpick out of his mouth , examining it before flicking it in the trash.

You scoffed slightly and shook your head. "Why not?"

"Cuz , I wanna talk and get to know you." Ace said with his stupid smirk with an added wink.

You gagged in response.

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