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hi everyone!!
I hope everyone is safe and well. I know the world is a crazy place but remember to always treat each other with love and kindness.
I finished this story over 2 years ago and honestly I've grown and changed so much. I read it and think it's super silly but it was honestly a fun thing for me to do at the time to channel my love for Peter Parker.
I wrote the characters to be flawed and human, based on my own emotions at the time. Mia is stupid at times, but that's how I felt when I was sick too. I didn't want people to think differently of me because of something I couldn't even control. I've seen some comments about her and her whole "pity" thing and trust me I KNOW ITS DUMB.  Literally middle school me was so ridiculous. Just don't think too much about it because I don't. I really do love seeing all the comments and love though and I hope to keep seeing more. I've been thinking about writing again (maybe some Spencer Reid 😌) and trust me that my writing has improved.

I love you all soo much and thanks for always making me smile with silly comments. If you guys ever have ideas, want me to post ab something, or recommend me some fics, I'll be super happy. I'm trying to be more active now.

ETHEREAL [spider-man//peter parker] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now