Chapter 5

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After a peaceful and dreamless sleep, I woke up reenergized and excited to go to school. When my mom dropped me off, I walked to my locker where Michelle said she would meet me.

As expected, Michelle is leaning against the locker next to mine, chewing neon pink gum with a bored expression plastered on her face.

"Hi Michelle, what's up?"

  "Well look who decided to report for her second day. Yesterday was not torture enough?" Michelle teased with a raised eyebrow.

" You know, I was about to ditch. There was a very annoying girl following me around yesterday, her name started with an M..." I snarked.

Michelle grinned and punched my arm. "Oh shut up. Let's get to class you idiot."

I grabbed my books and slammed the locker door. I started walking with Michelle to Chemistry, my combat boots clicking against the floor.
  I walked into workshop and smiled when I saw Ned there.

"Hey Ned!" I waved.

  "Hi Mia, wanna be partners?"

"Totally, I'll get to show of my expertise," I smirked. 

The teacher explained the rules; don't lose a finger, clean up your messes, whatever, and told us that we had access to all the supplies behind us. I turned around and my eyes feasted upon the bounty of power tools, scrap metal and wiring organized neatly in containers  behind us.

"Wicked!" I grinned and started walking towards the supplies.

"Hello there."

I found my self face to face with a tight gray t-shirt. I looked up and saw a boy with a handsome, but cruelly drawn face. His eyes were an icy blue and sparkled harshly.

"Ummm hi," I stuttered. "Can you kindly move out of the way?"

"Erm sure," the boy ran a hand through his obsidian black hair, and wore a confused expression.

"Did she just ask Jason Cooper to move?" I heard a girl whisper.

"Yeah! She is so lucky he even talked to her! He is so hot." Her friend gushed.

I ignored them and walked to where Ned was standing in front of a box of spare parts.

"Are you okay?" He muttered under his breath.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. That guy seems like an idiot."

"He is the most popular kid in school." Ned informed me.

"Well he may be popular, but he seems like trouble. I don't like him."

"Neither do I," Ned agreed, "Be careful around him."

"Noted. Let's focus on our machine. Mr. Michael's task was to make a machine that can benefit humanity. How about something that can help kids in hospitals?"

"Sounds great! What are some problems for child patients?" Ned wondered out loud.

"Needles," I said a little too quickly, "my uhh cousin was a cancer patient and she always complained about the shots and IVs"

ETHEREAL [spider-man//peter parker] ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt