Chapter 10

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~A couple weeks later~
Weeks went by of Jay staying home with her parents and ignoring all of Zach's phone calls, FaceTimes, text messages, and other notifications. As a distraction, Jay decided to look for a new apartment around the city. As much as she wanted to answer Zach, she hoped deeply that he understood that she needed to focus on her right now but clearly from all the phone calls, he didnt. After almost a month of apartment shopping, Jay finally found one and moved in very quickly. She was starting to feel much happier with life and showed it a lot through all of her social media.
Three weeks pass by of jay living in her happy place when it became time to celebrate her birthday. Of course 20 didnt seem like a big deal to her, but to her family and friends.... it did. The morning of her Birthday, she received many birthday calls and messages which made her feel very loved and appreciated. Later in the day, she decided to have most of her family and friends come over to hangout, but after she thought everyone was here, theres a knock on the door. As everyone stops and stares at the door making her confused, she opens it to reveal Daniel, Jack, Jonah, and Corbyn. She delightfully hugs all of them as they wish her a happy birthday. She says thank you and lets them come in. An hour goes by and she realizes that one of the boys is missing. " hey Daniel can I ask you something?" She says as she pulls him aside and he nods. " What happened to Zach? I would've guessed he would've been here since you guys go everywhere together." Daniel tells her that it was complicated and he didnt want to talk about it. Little did Jay know, he was lying and it wasn't actually complicated.
Jay sat confused for the rest of the party. After everyone left except for the boys, Jay decided to play I Don't Belong In This Club as Daniel got up and began dancing. At this point it was like 2am and they started getting very worn out and tired and decided to sleep over. Before they all went to get into their pajamas, Jay heard a familiar knock at the door. She opened it slowly to reveal Zach standing there with a Louis Vuitton bag, a box of chocolates, and what looked like 1000 roses. "Happy Birthday Jay" he says in a little cute voice. 'Ahhh he's so adorable I can't even... no stop it...i cant....sToP iT...' is what Jay is saying in her brain. " Thanks" she says after being amazingly surprised by what she wanted to be the love of her life. She opens the door more to let him come in and the boys hint at him to go and ask. " what? Guys i dont understand what you want from me?" Jay said as she thought they were talking to her. She turns back around to face Zach and finds him kneeling as if he was gonna propose. Jay had asked if he dropped something on the floor as he gently grabs her hand. " Jay.... i need you to listen...look i have loved you since the moment that i met you. You've made me feel like the luckiest man alive. But when you left me twice, i felt the genuine happiness and luck go away with you. And that's how I know you are the one for me. You're the one that I want to be with for the rest of my life. And as cheesy as it sounds, you mean everything to me... and i mean Everything. So, will you please do me the honor in being my one and only forever? Will you be my girlfriend, Jay?
Jay stood there in tears from being in between what she wanted to say versus what she had to say. She looked him straight in the eyes forgetting about the boys standing directly behind her. " look know that I'll love you forever... but you know we cant be together... Daniel... he's not gonna be happy about his younger sister dating his best—" Daniel cuts her off. " sorry but if I may interrupt this for a quick second... Jay I know you deeply love Zach. And zach i know you deeply love Jay... and i know i was angry before but that was because i was worried about you two getting hurt. And it was hard growing up beating up every douche-bag that hurt Jay's heart. But I know you wouldn't do that to her, so, dont let me get in the way of your love...." he then walked away and whispered 'say yes' into Jay's ears. She looked at him happily as he repeated him question. " Yes... Zach i will be your girlfriend." Zach gratefully pulled her in for a hug and after a couple seconds, they ended up kissing.
" alright we get it" said corbyn " get a room" said jack " aww those two lovebirds grew up so fast" said Jonah " I want pizza now" said Daniel. " wow way to ruin the moment Daniel" zach says as jay and him pull apart and laugh.
after some more hours, the boys and jay end up sleeping in her large living room with air mattresses and the couches. Zach and jay decided to cuddle up on one while Daniel and Jonah took the other two couches. jack and corbyn ended up using both air mattresses. " Jay... sorry but this house now low key looks like an off brand version of Bob's discount Furniture store." Said Jack. She replies and says thanks meanwhile everyone else in the room bursts out laughing. After a while, everyone fell asleep and jay and zach cuddled up knowing they were living the best life.
The next morning Zach and jay got up earlier than the rest of the boys to go make breakfast. After they finished making breakfast omelettes, pancakes, bacon, and sausage, Zach pulled Jay into her bedroom. " jay i wanted t give you this gift when we were alone last night, but i could never find the right time. So here you go. I want you to know that I love you to the moon and back and will forever. I love you baby." He says as she opens the gift. " omg... babe really... a touch bracelet... awww i love you too. Thank you." She says and kisses him. " now anytime you miss me or i miss you, we can touch the bracelet to let eachother know." He said and showed her how to say i love you, i miss you, and more cute words. After about half an hour, they both walked out and found the boys eating all the food. " Oh hey guys... sorry did you guys not eat...we were starving and smelled food... so we ate it thinking it was just for us." Jack says with his mouth covered in syrup. Zach tells the that they both ate earlier so it didnt matter.
the boys ended up leaving about 2 hours later to catch their flight which left Zach and Jay upset but they made a plan. They talked about this plan for days and tried convincing the other boys and Jays parents even though she didnt live with them anymore.
After almost a year of convincing, Zach and jay's plan was going to be successful.

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