Chapter 9

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The next morning jay woke up with dry black tears from her mascara. She got up out of bed slowly and began packing her bags and getting ready to leave to the airport. Once she finished packing, she decided to text Kat and ask if she was busy atm. Kat told Jay that she wasn't and she told Kat the plan. Her plan was to go to Daniel's and apologize one last time and say her final goodbye to the boys. Once Kat picked Jay up they talked about the plan and how it would go about.
    About 15 minutes later, they arrived at the Why Dont We house. Jay nervously got out of the car and began walking up to the door. " Hey..dont worry jay... he's your brother. I'm sure he'll forgive you." Katrina said reassuringly. Jay started to feel a little better and had a little bit of hope that Daniel would. Seconds pass of her standing at the door. She finally knocks and waits for the door to open. It eventually opened to reveal Jonah shirtless holding his new cat, Wes. (Srry ik he just got the cat like two days ago. I just felt like adding him in lol) " hey what's up" Jonah said in his morning voice. Jay had told him her plan and he backed up to let her in the house. As Jay continued talking about the plan, Daniel came into the kitchen but didn't notice she was there. "Daniel... someone's here to see you. Can you take out your headphones??" Jonah said in a louder tone than usual. Daniel took out his headphones and looked straight at the last person he expected it to be. " why are you here jay? Shouldn't you be making out with Zach?!" He said. "Look Daniel... after last night... i thought about what you said and i just wanted to come by and tell you I'm genuinely very sorry. If it makes you feel any better, I packed my bags and am going back home today." Jay said as she started to tear up. " you mean everything to me Daniel... and plus i cant live without my brother or my my best friend. Even though you can be very overprotective and annoying.. your still in my top 3." Daniel smiled at Jay. " what do you mean top 3.. i should be number 1." He said as he began laughing. " but in all seriousness... i forgive you. I get can make you do crazy things and make important people upset hahaha. But your still my sister and I can't stay mad at you. But before you leave can i just say it?" He said in an ' you know what I'm gonna say' voice. Jay said go ahead and say it and he screamed in a childish voice 'I told you so' which made everyone in the house wake up and run downstairs. Jay and Daniel fell on the couch laughing hysterically at his cracking voice until someone in the house began to speak. " Jay...Daniel... will you guys forgive me too?" Zach says in a sad morning voice. Daniel and jay shared a look and Daniel spoke up and said 'sure man... your my best friend'. Daniel ran to Zach and gave him a bro hug. Jay began picking up her bags as it was time to leave to the airport. " Jay... are you leaving now?" Daniel sadly said. " uhh... yeah and Kat's waiting in her car for me. So i dont wanna keep her waiting." Jay said as she began giving everyone a goodbye hug. Once she got to Zach, she gave a quick hug and whispered I'm sorry. As she ran outside and yelled bye, Zach stopped her. " Jay wait...Daniel come here. Look Daniel i know that Jay is your sister and your my best friend and that's breaking the bro code and all... but.. man you gotta understand that I'm in love with Jay and my past with other girls is not at all compared to me and her. Daniel you know I wouldn't hurt her. I lo-" Zach got interrupted by jay. " Look Zach... right now isn't the time for this. I cant go another day without fighting with Daniel. And you and i both know that no one would want us together anyway. So please just let it go. I do love you but now is not the time."
    " are you serious right now jay... do you even hear yourself? Oh what.. so the whole 'I love you to the moon and back' meant nothing to you. The sneaking around was nothing to you. Well then i guess you are nothing to me. Have fun back home jay.." Zach flipped out and made Jay cry. As she stood there in shock at the fact that the love of her life just said he wouldn't miss her at all, the boys ran over and comforted her. Daniel then said to forget everything Zach just said and that he was just upset. " its whatever, I shouldn't have come here in the first place. K i love y'all but i gotta go now so bye guys. Ill miss you." Jay said as she ran into the car and pulled back her tears. Once they drove off Kat began to pat her on the back and let her know that it'll be ok which made jay feel ten times better. Minutes after, Katrina decided that it would be a great time to blast some music. Jay brushed it off at first until her favorite song began playing. As the drove to LAX, they screamed every word to every song and in that moment, Jay started to feel happy again without thinking about Zach.
    once Kat had dropped Jay off at the airport, she quickly got out of the car and said goodbye. After a couple hours of getting through security and waiting for her flight, Jay heard a notification sound coming from her phone. She decided to not read it until she got home since her phone was dying and she couldn't charge it. A few minutes pass until her group gets called to board the plane. She sits in her seat and flys home.
    Once she arrived, she ran outside to find her parents. Jay heard yell behind her that sounded like her father. So, she quickly turned around and ran towards them. After they said their hellos and i missed you, they drove out of the airport and jay fell asleep in the car. She had two things omg her mind: Daniel and Zach. About an hour and a half later, they arrive at Jay's home and she talks to her mom about everything that went on in LA. She rants and cries for a while until her mom says she shouldn't be up all night thinking about this. " jay you need to sleep now and tomorrow we can talk more ok sweetie?" Her mom said as she began walking out of the room. " k goodnight mom." She said as she closed her eyes and began falling asleep. She then remembered the notification from her phone earlier and decided to check what it was. It was from Zach. The message said, " Hey jay i wanted to apologize for what i had said earlier. You know that I would never say any of that to you. I truly care about you. I do. And i do really miss you more than you believe. You mean everything to me. And i hope you can forgive me and give me another chance?" Jay kept reading what he had to say but couldnt bring herself to respond. So, crying about the one person she in in love with but needs to let go of, Jay left Zach on read and went to sleep.

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