Act 1 part 3

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Your name is Timothy Wilkin, but your friends call you Tim. You have a twin brother named Carter who is a complete opposite of you. You go to public school while he goes to the nicest school in the entire city. You're good where he's bad and he's good where you're bad. You and him live in a skyscraper condo downtown. You live in the penthouse. Your father struck oil last year. You still remember what it was like to be a poor kid while Carter acts like a rich snob. You were playing Pokemon FireRed but the game stopped working. As a coincidence Carters Platinum version stopped working to as well as his girlfriends Black 2 version. You posted about it on a Pokemon group on Facebook and they all had the same problem.  You brushed it over and turned on the TV and the news came on. In Japan there is a riot of Pokemon fans throwing a rampage. Two cities already burned down. You decide to text Joseph.

(Text between Tim and Joseph)

Tim: did you see the news?

Joseph: yeah totally in the middle of night at a sleepover I say" hey let's turn on the fucking news"

Tim: Well soooorrrrryy wise guy

Joe: well what the fuck happened

Tim: Japanese Pokemon fans flipped thief shit and burned down city's and stuff

Joe: wow that's crazy

Tim: so what are you even doing anyways????

Joe: watching the conjoring with brayden its cute how much he jumps


Tim: I know you got a secret thing for him but you know I hate lovey dove stuff

Joe: I know

Tim: so how's hiding that from him anyways?

Joe: you don't even know I just wanna grab him and kiss the shit out of him but he would hate me forever

Tim: Im not so sure about that but whatever.

(End of text conversation)

You go downstairs to see Carter still freaking out but h needs to calm his shit anyways.

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