Chapter 38

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"How about you stop talking about my boyfriend like that? I highly doubt you'd want to become friends with my fist."

(Third P.O.V)

"J-Jeongguk... funny seeing you here. What are you- wait. Boyfriend?", the guy (#1) said, losing all the confidence he had in front of the handsome male.

"Jeongguk. I know you have a thing for Tae but you don't have to lie about being together. We all know you're too much of a coward to ask him out", the other guy (#2) said.

"Oh, really? Fine. Let's say Tae and I aren't dating. What makes you guys so sure he'd give you the attention that you seek?", Jeongguk said all confident.

"Look. You have to understand that sooner or later he'll have a boyfriend. He won't be with you for the rest of your life. I understand you care for him but you don't have to go off scaring people who talk inappropriate about him. Girls and sometimes guys talk about you like that all the time. You don't see Tae telling those people to back off because you two are dating", guy (#2) said.

"I wouldn't actually call it a l-"

"Honestly. Your ego is too big. If I want to talk about him inappropriately, then I can. You don't have a say in the matter. If I'm interested in him, who are you to lie to keep me away?", guy (#1) said; getting his confidence from his friend who had spoken to Jeongguk.

Jeongguk scoffed. In the end, he decided not to pay any attention to them. Time would only be wasted talking to the likes of them.

Just as he was about to sit on his seat, he heard more profanities coming from that same guy who was talking about Taehyung not that long ago. (#1)

"He ain't even that nice to look at. Personality wise, I mean. All I see is a pretty face and good body to wreck"

"Bro, you crossed the line. You can't just approach him to due to you sexu-"

The friend of that guy didn't even get the chance to finish his sentence. Jeongguk had already pushed the guy (#1), making him fall of his chair and landing on the floor.

"Listen here you son of a bitch. Taehyung is the most wonderful person you'll ever meet. He's kind and tries to see the best in everyone which is probably the reason as to why he's been sitting with new people at school. People like you are utterly disgusting. You're taking advantage of his kindness just to satisfy whatever desires you have. At least that friend of yours knows that what you said was crossing the line. You're lucky I just pushed you and didn't yell. Not like it matters. Even if I did nothing, Tae would never look at you because his heart already belongs to me. He's got standards and I so happen to have them as well. He's Mine. Talk about him like that one more time and I won't hesitate to put you in your place", Jeongguk said. His anger was quite visible. Not wanting to deal with them any longer, he made his way to his seat and sat down.

'Sick bastard', Jeongguk thought.

The guy on the floor was just staring into thin air. He was shocked but it didn't matter. He wasn't gonna feel guilty any time soon and the way he views Taehyung still hadn't changed. On the other hand, his friend was impressed. He was amazed. He could finally see Jeongguk's true feelings for Taehyung.

'Well done, Jeongguk. Well done'


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