Chapter 27

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(Third P.O.V)

It was morning already and Taehyung went downstairs expecting breakfast on the table but there was none. Jeongguk wasn't in the kitchen either.

'Is he still asleep? That's weird. He usually wakes up earlier than me', he thought, going back upstairs to wake him up.

Taehyung didn't even bother knocking. He just opened the door and as expected, Jeongguk was still asleep.

"Jeongguk, wake up", Taehyung said, shaking him gently.

"Leave me alone~ I want to sleep", Jeongguk whined, putting the blanket over his head.

"Koo, come on", Taehyung said but Jeongguk wouldn't get up.

Taehyung sat on the side of the bed and tried to think of ways to wake him up. He then came up with an idea.

"Hey Bogum! Could you do me a favor and pick me up at-"

Jeongguk got up quickly as he was gonna snatch Taehyung's phone to throw it across the room but saw that Taehyung indeed, had no phone on him and it was all a lie.

"Are you kidding me?!", Jeongguk asked with disbelief.

"How else was I supposed to wake you up? Go get ready. I'm hungry", Taehyung said, getting up.

"Don't do that again! Over my dead body will he pick you up. So glad he stopped giving you kisses on the forehead", Jeongguk said, getting up and looking for some clothes to wear.

"Oh, I forgot that he used to do that. I miss that", Taehyung said, lying at the end.

"What the fuck, Tae!", Jeongguk said irritated.

"I was just joking", Taehyung admitted, giving Jeongguk a hug.

"Better?", Taehyung asked.

Jeongguk hummed as a response, kissing Taehyung's head.

"I could stay like this forever without any complains", Jeongguk said smiling.

"I'm glad we feel the same way", Taehyung said, enjoying the moment.


"What did you even forget?", Taehyung asked, tapping his foot on the floor impatiently.

"My phone", Jeongguk said, putting it inside his pocket.

"You could have gone to school without it. Not like you use it a lot", Taehyung said, locking the front door.

"I can't. What if you text me? My phone is a necessity", Jeongguk said, taking a hold of Taehyung's hand and intertwining them. This made Taehyung smile sheepishly, for he was getting shy.

The two started to walk hand in hand until they reached their stop point. From there, they'd take their separate ways to school.

Neither wanted to leave the other but it couldn't be helped. Jeongguk was a bit different, though. He's been rather tempted and desperate, lately. He's been wanting to kiss Taehyung for the longest time, now but has been fighting that urge.

"See you later, Koo~", Taehyung said, sending a flying kiss to him in such an adorable way.

'Fuck it'

He couldn't take it anymore so he pulled Taehyung in for a somewhat passionate kiss and for both of them, a spark took place. What they were feeling was indescribable.


".. Woah. That was...... woah", Taehyung said, speechless when they broke the kiss to get some air.

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