3 - A Dim Discovery

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Cole's dirt bike rumbled to a halt outside the decaying factory on the east side of Ninjago City. Lloyd jumped out first, placing his sword into its scabbard. He skillfully made his way up the scattered architecture and parkoured to the windows near the roof of the factory. Cole followed a few moments later, until both ninja were peering in through the dusty glass. 

"I can't see anything - we better go inside," the earth ninja proposed. Lloyd nodded and they ventured through an opening into the higher floors of the building. Once inside, a cold draft of air blew around them. 

"Well, I don't see any sign of anyone..." Lloyd whispered. They jumped to the concrete floor and paused - the quiet sound of footsteps emanated from behind some rusty machinery. The inside of the factory was drab and dim, and full of inactive equipment. Cole and Lloyd slowly tip-toed their way through the large metal appliances. In a bright burst of energy, Lloyd illuminated the space with his elemental power in hand. 

"Who's there? Show yourself!" He yelled. 

Silence. Lloyd turned around to look at Cole; the earth ninja shrugged helplessly. 

Suddenly, a loud bang rang through the drafty space. In defensive mode, Cole clutched his hammer tight and swivelled round to see two figures standing a few feet behind them. They edged closer into the dim light. 

"Oh! Pixal? Jupiter? What are you guys doing here?" The earth ninja sighed in relief, loosening his grip on his weapon. 

"We thought you could use some help," Jupiter began. "...Although, it doesn't seem like anything sketchy is happening here..." 

She gave a small nod in Lloyd's direction; he nodded back, with brief eye-contact. 

"I thought the alert stated that a former SOG member was here?" Pixal questioned. Cole scratched his head and responded; 

"Well, we thought we heard footsteps but seems like this entire factory is empty. I'm not sure why there was a report in the first place." He gazed upon the scrap metal surrounding them, covered in dust and with different symbols engraved on it. 

"Then I suggest we return - it is quite likely that this was a false alarm," said Samurai X. She adjusted her helmet on and gestured towards Jupiter when without warning, all four their communicators began bleeping again. 

"Master Wu? What's the issue?" Lloyd spoke into his communicator. Master Wu's voice filled the empty room. 

"Lloyd, I'm afraid you're going to have to cut this mission short - Cyrus Borg is requesting to see all of you; the others are on their way. Apparently, it is an urgent matter." 

"That's fine - the factory here is completely empty. Nothing but a bunch of shut-down machinery and junk," The green ninja responded. "We'll be there soon." Lloyd lowered his wrist and looked at the other three. 

"I guess we're going back to Borg Tower." Jupiter nudged Pixal in the arm. 

The four heroes found their way back outside, where it had started raining lightly. As Samurai X's mech took to the skies once again, Cole's dirt bike sped down the wet roads back to central Ninjago City to meet up with Borg and the rest of their friends. 

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