02| KYLE

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With light music inside the shop, I can't stop taking a glimpse of him while sitting beside his cousin. Talking and smiling alternately.

"Your boyfriend? He's cute." Frank taps my shoulder. I was shocked by what he said to me and flinch. I just tapped his should back.

"What are you talking about? His my friend's cousin," I point Chris. Frank just nods. His expression and movement don't agree with what I am saying.

"Sir. I'm not a fortune teller but I can sense that you have that something for him. Well, as you know I didn't point or ask who but you can be an obvious answer. That's what I did with my boyfriend when we're with our friends." He just laughs and continues doing the cooking.

Frank was the one left among the six staff, he chooses to shift until the shop closes because his apartment was near. He's a third-year Architecture Student.

And I didn't know that I was that obvious after what he said. Looking again at Shane made me remember someone.

Why do I have to feel this?

"Hey!" Breaking the chain of questions inside my head, Gabriel coming down the room and shouted at me grabs my attention. "What's the matter? You have a guest and your taking too long, they must be hungry now."

"Y-Yeah..." I stammered and moved carelessly, I accidentally hit one of the glass from the table and it fell on the floor.

"Are you okay?" Gab quickly go beside me and pull me away before I grab the shattered glass on the floor. "You're out of mind."

"Is everything okay here?" Chris come closer to us. Shane was still sitting but looking at our direction.

"Yeah. I accidentally hit the glass. I'm sorry." I quickly move to go inside the kitchen.

What the hell! When did I become so clumsy?

"Just relax," there he goes again. Frank tapping my shoulder and give me bottled water.

"Am I that obvious?" He nods as an answer.

"I'm sorry. It took longer for us to cook and serve your orders."

"It's fine. Shane is the only one who is very hungry here." He laughed at his cousin who's a shock to what he said.

"Crazy." He said. His voice changes a bit than the first time I heard his voice. Maybe that's his tone when he's irritated or annoyed. He's cute.

I was dumbfounded when I realize he is looking at me.

"Why don't you join us?"

For a moment everything stops leaving the two of us only in this space and time. Starring with each other.

"Hey?" Waved his hand in front of me before I feel Chris tap on my right hand.

"You're spacing out."

"H-Huh?" Shit! That's all you have in me to answer stupid Kyle! "Oh!"

I notice Chris was laughing and looking back and forth to Shane and me.

I just need to excuss myself, luckily Gabriel was there and made an excuse.

"Sure. We loved to join your dinner," sitting across Chris sit Gabriel starts to talk and talk to them and that's my key to escape and hide inside the kitchen.

I would like to share the music I suse for this chapter. My Favourite Clothes by RINI

Thank you readers! I would like to hear your comment. See you next chapter.

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