00| KYLE

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While rubbing my neck. The first thing I notice after I open my eyes and the moment he saw me looking at him, he stops and gives me a soft smile.

"You have a high fever," he said.

He grabs a glass and bottled water, pours it to the glass and gave it to me.

"Drink so that your fever will subside."

I can feel the heat inside my body. Headache. I hate having a headache. I can't move quickly and do things right. After I drink the water I rest down and he covers me with a blanket.

"I'm sorry for giving you hard time." He turns his back to me. He was not looking at me. "I know this is not right, and all wrong...but I can't hide my feelings for you. I like you." He admitted once again, through his words.

I sat down on the bed. "I just don't understand," I sweep my hair with my hand. "Why of all. Why me?"

Not an easy question and for him to answer. The only question, why of all people around him. Why me? I am his friend. I mean it is not wrong to love someone despite the gender as long as your feelings are genuine and not clouded by the emotions.

I'm not against or angry about what he did. It is not easy to be in love or to love someone especially with the person you consider to be your friend.

"I know you for so long-" he can't continue what he wants to say. He faces me. "I'm sorry. I like you." he almost lost his voice.

Gasped. "No. Don't say sorry because you like me. I don't know what to say. I don't want to break your heart and I don't want to break this friendship. I have you, half of my life... And it is not easy to put it this way..."

He hugged me. "I'm sorry..."


Wondering how Luke looks like? He's JC Alcantara. 

Would You Mind Looking Into my Eyes (UNDER REVISION/SOON TO PUBLISH)Where stories live. Discover now