Chapter 18

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After the swim I felt very cold so I decided to rush to the bathroom to take a hot shower.

I don't want to get a cold so that Carlos would shout at me.

Well my bestfriend and sister decided to spend the night here and I was so thankful
Like I miss them so much I don't want them to go yet.

Soon night fell so I went to the hall to watch a movie.
I got my pack of KitKats because I was craving for them for so long.
Brianna and my sister were asleep and I really needed company.

I really wanted to wake them up but I decided against it and stayed in the couch.

"Gosh what I'm wearing is too short it can't even cover My thighs properly"I said to myself and got up to go and change when I saw Carlos coming towards my direction.

"Hey babe" he said with a big smile and I giggled.

"Where were you going"he asked smirking at me.

Ugh he looks hot when smirking.

"I wanted to change my clothes they are too short"I said staring at the dress

"Oh no not at all you look beautiful in it" he said and I gave him a shy smile.

I lay in the couch with my legs on Carlos

I just like to do that.

"Hey don't touch that" I said and he giggled

Don't touch my KitKat get yours

I said and he laughed eating my KitKat

"Don't speak to me again" I said angrily and got out of the living room and ran to the bedroom.
I pull the covers to cover my body then I close my eyes.

I hear Carlos mentioning my name but I choose to ignore.

"Oh damn just cause I ate the stupid KitKat you are angry" he said shouting at me which made me flinch

I started to sob and he got out of the room.

"Why is he behaving like this"
I said to myself still crying and I fell asleep


I woke up only to receive a text from my sister saying they left early in the morning

"Great just great"I said and got up to meet an empty bed.

I walked to the bathroom to see a note I took it and read it.

Hey beautiful
I know I shouldn't have taken your KitKat and also I'm so sorry for shouting at you like that.
I was so wrong and I'm very very sorry.
Take your shower and I made dinner for you it's in the microwave.
I'll talk to you soon
Love you
Your sexy husband

I laughed reading the letter .
I took my bath and ate the food Carlos made for me
No lie it was so delicious.

I went to my room and since I got nothing to do I just lay in bed and watched tv
Soon night fell and Carlos was not home yet.
What the hell?!
I got up to see roses on the floor
Oh my God!?

I saw a note on the dresser.
Where this dress and meet me at the back of the garden.
I turned to see a white revealing dress neatly hanged with flats.
I wore the dress,did nude makeup and went to the garden.
As soon as I entered I couldn't control myself.
I started to cry.
It was so beautiful.
But Carlos wasn't there

I felt hands around my waist and I knew it was him.

I turned and hugged him crying in his shoulders

Thank you
I said.

We sat and ate.
He drank a lot and I knew I was drunk because I started being a bit touchy and I started saying unnecessary

We were both drank and I don't know what happened next


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