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"Kiara. You talked to Ayush, Is everything sorted out?" Neil raised his eyebrow.
"Hmm..Ya..We are friends now" Kiara bit her lips and sighed.

"So.. Let's begin" Neil fiddled the guitar chords.


Kiara jotted down the topic taught by the professor. The class ended, the students were rushing out of the classroom.

"Kiara Nanda, Wait" The professor halted her.

"Yes Sir."

"Come with me to the Dean's office."

Kiara shrugged, desperate to know what was going to happen. She followed the professor to Dean's office

Arya College of Science and Arts, Principal or Dean - Rishi Talwar, Kiara's family friend.

"Dean, Here she is" The professor said to him.
Rishi nodded his head, and slowly the professor exited the office.

"Yes Dean" Kiara stuttered.
"Kiara, You won the music competition. I heard, Congratulations" Rishi complimented her.

"Thank you Dean" Kiara grinned.
"We have an upcoming fest in the college. I want you to take the responsibility for selecting students in the music group, You are going to perform on the opening ceremony, Remember. All the best"
Rishi asserted.

"Sure Sir. Thank you for bestowing me the responsibility." She thanked him and walked out of the office.

Kiara jumped in happiness as she was going to perform. Roshni saw her coming, she approached Kiara.
"Kiara.." Roshni's smile faded looking at ecstatic Kiara.

"Hi Roshni" Kiara placed her arm around Roshni's shoulder. "Guess what? I am going to perform on the opening ceremony. Wohoo!!"
Kiara hooted.

"Girls" Professor Basu grunted.
Kiara composed herself, "Sorry sir"

They went out of the hall.
"You wait here. I am going to Neil" Kiara said.
"Arre! You won't have lunch"
"Naah" Kiara beamed at her.

Kiara met Ayush instead.
"Heyy" Ayush smiled.
"Umm..Where is Neil, Do you know?" Kiara asked looking here and there.
"Yes..He has gone to bathroom"

"Oh!. Since when you changed your dorm?" Kiara questioned him.
"A few days back." Ayush replied.

"BTW, Why are you looking for him?"
"Ahh..I have some urgent work."

Neil came out of the bathroom.
"Neil" She went to him.
"Neil, Good news. We are going to perform on opening ceremony of the Fest" She said.
"Really? "
"Yes" Kiara chuckled.

Ayush interrupted them.
"Congrats... then." He said.
Neil and Kiara glared at him.
"What? Why are you looking at me like you have seen some ghost?"

"Ayyush..See behind" Kiara murmured .

Ayush turned behind and saw a man wearing creepy ghost costume.
"Heyy!" Ayush buckled up his knee and fell on the bed. "Who? Who the hell are you?" He stammered.

Kiara and Neil broke in laughter and  Karan took out the costume.
"What a rubbish prank?" Ayush hissed.
"Sorry Ayush" Kiara half hugged him.
"Man, you were freaking scared..🤣🤣🤣" Neil controlled his laugh.


"Listen, Day after tomorrow is Ayush's birthday. We have to plan something for him" Kiara said to her friends.
"What should we gift him?" Preeta asked

"Something from his favorites" Neil suggested.
"No. Everyone does that, Memory. What say?"

Everyone looked at Kiara confusingly.
"A beautiful gift with lot of memories ❤️" She smiled.

"A bracelet" Aman said

"Yes. Cakes,cards, chocolates and handmade bracelet to him" Kiara added.

"We'll begin the preparations...Right now" Neil said.

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