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"What will you do, tell everyone ha"
Mayra, Neil's friend held a girl's neck tightly. She gripped her hand and wriggled it.

The girl shrieked,"Please leave me, I will not tell anyone"
"You have to do as we say"Karan said.
"Yes, yes. I'll do as you say" The girl pleaded.

Mayra released her from her grip. The girl heaved a sigh of relief. Karan notioned Neil to threaten her.
"So, what did you see?" Neil said sardonically.
"I saw you locking your colleague in the storeroom and you made out with Mr. Awasthi's daughter"

Neil snarled and slammed his hand on the wall.
"What did you see, Dammit!"
The girl shivered in fear. Mayra gestured her to say 'No'.
"No-thing" The girl stuttered.
"That's better" Neil smirked.

Kiara was passing by, she saw Neil and his gang harassing the girl. She stood for her
"Excuse me, Don't you have any other work rather than harassing somebody" She said sternly.

"Hi Kiara. I am Mayra, I have heard that you and Neil have bitter history. Was that not embarrassing for you or you want more insults."

Kiara rolled her eyes.
"Yes, that was not an embarrassing incident for me. What will you do? Try to kill me. Dare to do if you have guts"

Mayra gritted her teeth. Neil gazed at Kiara.
"I know you are blackmailing the poor girl for your own benefits in the name of Neil Mehra. Shame on you, don't you have self-respect. Being a sidekick won't make you lion. Be a fox and claim the territory. Neil Mehra is nothing without friends. Kiara said in a calm voice.

"Watch your mouth" Aman shrilled

"You watch your mouth. Have you realised what will you get if Neil Mehra got bankrupt, nothing. You all are enjoying on Neil's credit card. If the validity expires, you'll join any other rich kid. Right?"

"What do you want Kiara?" Neil asked looking away.

Kiara smirked, "You know what Neil. I didn't forget anything. I have your secrets safe with me. You must have heard this idiom 'Every dog has his day'. This is my day. I'll get what I want, I don't have to ask. These years when I was away from you. I realised why did I cry instead of revealing your secrets to the world. Because I am scared..."

Kiara giggled, "Bullshit. I am waiting for the right time to expose your truth. You'll have no clue and your secrets will be out. Devil Neil Mehra"

Neil clenched his fist, but he was numb. He wanted to see the anger, rage in Kiara's eyes in which he succeeded. Kiara took the terrified girl along with her.
"Neil. Why didn't you do anything?" Mayra asked.
"She was right. It's her day, now she can do anything she wants"
Neil crossed his arms and answered.
"Just wait and watch Kiara Nanda"

Kiara's P.O.V
I am feeling so better. I expressed my rage after so many years which was suppressed by Neil for a reason. If Neil has not done that thing. I wouldn't have hated him.


A 13 year old Kiara  was doing chart work in the classroom. 14 year old Neil came from behind and slapped on Kiara's head.
"Oow! Neil" Kiara whined
"Radha Ma'am gave me responsibility to give duty in the ground floor. Be my substitute as usual"
"Neil, this is not fair. If you are not worthy of that post, you should leave it"
Neil gave her a deathly glare.
"I'll do whatever I want. Mind your own business"
He smirked and left the classroom.
"Jerk" Kiara mumbled rolling the chart paper.

"Hey Neil. Are you coming for the football practice?" His friend asked.
"Yup" Neil replied washing his hands.
"Okay " His friend ran.

Neil wiped his hand in handkerchief. Kiara's brother  came towards him.
"Neil, You wanna become the captain of the football team"

"I don't want to become, I want to earn the captaincy"

"Very well. Then let me tell you,keep dreaming of earning the captaincy. Until I am the captain no one can replace me" Krish said with a chuckle.
"Good. Let me tell you, you are scared of my capability and by hook or crook. I am going to become captain. Loser Krish Nanda"

Anger was bubbling up in Krish's eyes. He held Neil's neck.
"What did you say? Me a loser. You are a loser "
Neil kicked him on his stomach.
"If you remain the captain of the football team, we will lose all matches. Everyone in the school knows who's the best football player? Neil Mehra" Neil laughed
Krish in rage punched on Neil's face. Neil's anger also bubbled up. He held Krish's neck and placed him on the railing. Krish hit him off, to which Neil's hand is released and Krish fell from the third floor on the ground surrounded by blood.

Neil was sweating in fear. He looked around and saw frightened Kiara looking at him. Kiara ran to him and grabbed his collar.
"You are a murderer. I'll kill you"
Neil jerked her hands off from him. Kiara crouched on the ground.

He tried to kill my brother, this was the first reason of hatred for him.

"Kiara. We are getting late for the classes" Preeta said picking up her books"
I stepped out of the bed, picked up the books and went to class with her. After the class got over.

"Kiara. Mayra and others are shooting death daggers to you. What's the matter?" Preeta asked
"Nothing. Cats are finding new lion." I giggled.
Neil whispered something in Karan's ear. Karan shook his head and came to us
"Kiara. Neil wants to make a deal with you"
"Tell him to come and make the deal" I drawled.

Neil pursed his lips.
"Kiara. This is fair and share deal. I'll give you anything you want and my secrets should be safe with you"
"Neil. I may take your advantage and expose your secrets"
"Kiara" He kept his hands on my shoulder. I backed off.
"Don't try too. Pervert"
"Okay. Then I'll keep your secrets safe with me. Remember" He leaned towards me. I  clenched my teeth.
"You can't do anything"
Neil smiled devilishly and went .

I stamped my feet on the ground. I couldn't control my anger, I went to the HOD and complained about Neil and his rowdy behavior around the campus. I showed Mr. Awasthi the video of his daughter and Neil. Neil was suspended for a week.

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