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"Kiara, you invited danger for yourself. Neil's friends will not stay silent. They will try to harm you"
"I know" Kiara massaged her temples.

She went out of the room, someone from behind covered her face with a sack and kidnapped her. Kiara opened her eyes, she found herself on the terrace. Neil standing infront of her.

"Neil Mehra, you better not do anything"
He paced towards her, Kiara was stepping back till her back hit the wall.
"Neil, Go away or else.."
"Or Else" He said with a sexy voice.
"Or else I'll..."
Before she could say anything his lips crashed into hers, kissing her roughly.
Kiara broke the kiss gasping for air and pushed him away.
"You are a devil Neil Mehra. I hate you" She yelled at him and left.

Neil's P.O.V
I might not have thought a second when I did this, but something was attracting me towards her. My heart ached when Kiara yelled at me 'I HATE YOU'
But what for? Kiara is not like other girls whom I have dated and I have never felt this way for any girl other than Kiara.


Kiara was sitting on the swing , sobbing .
"Any help Miss" She turned towards the voice owner.
A tall and handsome guy was next to her. She wiped her tears.
"Hmm. So someone hurted you deeply"
Kiara sniffed "Not exactly. Why do people say that I bring bad fortune. My life was always a hell whenever I tend to find happiness, misery and pain overshadow it."

"Then find happiness in yourself, whom you love. Why to care what people say? You are living for yourself. Radiate positivity. Stay who you are, you need not change for anyone. You are unique and maybe everyone loves to be with you"

Kiara looked at him with scrutinizing eyes. "And who are you?"
"Sorry. I didn't introduce myself. Hi I am Ayush"
"Nice to meet you Kiara" He grinned at her.

Kiara felt good after a long time, someone praised her. Ayush's words boosted her confidence.


Kiara and her friends were gossiping and laughing. Kiara's phone rang.
"Excuse me guys"
She picked up the call.
"Yes Mom. Say it quick"
"Kiara, you remember Mr. Aggarwal"
"The one who saved Dad"
"Yes. His son has taken admission in the same college. Try to be friendly with him."
"My college" Kiara narrowed her eyebrows. "What is his name?"
"Ayush Aggarwal"
"He.." Kiara sighed
"What happened?"
" Nothing. Okay Bye Mom" She cut the call.

"Hello. One Blueberry cheesecake and espresso" Ayush said to the waiter.
"One Vanilla Almond latte"
Ayush turned to the girl.
"Hey Kiara"
Kiara sat adjacent to him.
"Hi Ayush Aggarwal"
Ayush pursed his lips.
"I want to thank you for saving my dad's life."
"Your dad?" Ayush furrowed his eyebrow in confusion
"Yaa. My father went to Dehradun for some work. He was knocked down by a SUV and he was injured badly. You helped my dad and took him hospital.."
"Oh yeah. That SUV owner who hit your dad went missing, he was a drug dealer."

Kiara's dad was admitted in the City hospital of Dehradun for one month. Ayush's family contacted Kiara's family but they couldn't reach there because of the curfew. Ayush's family paid the medical fees for Kiara's dad treatment.

Neil furiously glared  at Kiara and Ayush chitchatting with each other.
"Jealous?" Aman teased him.
Neil smirked "Planning revenge"
Neil sipped his milkshake.
"Take care or else you'll be rusticated and your dad also can't save you" Aman warned him.

"Hey. Care to show me the campus?" Ayush asked .
Before Kiara could answer, Neil spoke
"I'll show you. Hi! Neil Mehra"
"Ayush Aggarwal"
They shook their hands.
"Ayush. I'll show you the campus. Better stay away from him"
She held Ayush's hand and dragged him with her

"Was he your friend?"
"Friend. Never" Kiara said with sarcasm.
"Then. He must be the reason for your stress"
Kiara stopped. "You are right"
Tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Kiara" Ayush cupped her chin with his hand.
"Don't cry. Look at me, you can share your story with me"

They sat on a bench. Kiara wiped her tears.
"Neil and I went to the same high school. We were friends, I did Neil's homework, project everything. In exchange he went for music lessons. My parents enrolled me in music which I hated to learn.
All changed..after he tried to kill my brother just because of football captaincy"


Kiara lied to her parents and the police, she didn't see someone there pushing Krish. Kiara slapped herself in mind for lying to her parents. After Krish recovered, Kiara emotionally blackmailed her brother not to reveal anything. Krish also lied for the sake of his beloved sister.
"Kiara. I am sorry, for whatever happened. It was a mistake" Neil whispered
"Mistake?" Kiara whined "You call it a mistake. My brother's life was on stake"
Neil held her hand "I am sorry Kiara. I said na"
Kiara pulled her hand away.
She cried "I considered you as my friend. You...leave it. Neil you don't have to take music lessons for me anymore. Bye and don't talk to me "

Kiara once caught Neil exchanging drugs but after that he stopped doing that.

It was Neil's birthday party. Kiara was not enthused like she did before on Neil's birthday.  When Neil was cutting cake, she went to the lawn. Someone from back hit her head. He wriggled her wrist and took her to bedroom and tried to force himself on her. Kiara was struggling in his grip. Neil's sister threw a stone on his head and he fell down. Kiara stood up terrified. He took out a gun and aimed at Kiara. Neil's sister took the bullet. Kiara was frightened, she kicked the man and snatched the gun from him and shooted him.

Neil saw her with the gun. He believed Kiara killed his sister. He covered the murder story and destroyed all evidences. Kiara was clueless why Neil did that for her. Neil's family closed the case due to lack of proofs.
After that incident, Neil blackmailed and bullied her. Their relationship became worser than enemies.
This was not the end.

On a rainy night...

"Kiara. Neil wants to meet you" His friend said
It was 9pm, Neil's parents were out of town and her parents were in friend's place. She went to Neil's home.
"Neil. Are you there?"
"Come in" Neil directed her to come to his bedroom.
Kiara sat on the bed utterly confused.
"Drink" Neil gave her.
"What's this?" Kiara raised her brow.
"I said drink it" Neil yelled at her.
Kiara gulped the juice. After a few seconds, she fell on the bed. Neil was pretty drunk and out of senses.

Kiara woke up next morning finding herself naked . She quickly wore her dress and saw a drunk Neil lying next to her. She couldn't believe that Neil did this to her.

"After all that... I left the city"
Kiara sobbed. " I don't know why I opened up to you. I feel relieved"
Ayush embraced her.
"Forget about the past and move on Kiara. If Neil does something to you, fight back. You are not the old Kiara"

Kiara broke the hug. "Thanks Ayush"
They held their hands looking at each other. Neil was passing by, he saw them together and was fuming in jealousy. He hit his hand on wall and went.

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