Chapter 1 - The crash.

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*Author’s note*

The very first chapter of this story! Sorry to those of you that kept waiting, I hope you enjoy it! 

Please give me feedback, and I hope you enjoy it! :D


Chapter 1 - @Julia_Golafshan (twitter)

*Sophie’s POV*

Three days into my road trip, and everything was going great.

I had stayed at hotels the last two nights, and I was driving at a casual speed – I figured that at this rate, I would be in Minnesota by a week.

I just wanted to have a relaxing trip and enjoy myself.

My snacks were getting dangerously low, though, and I NEEDED to re-stock my chocolate supply. So I stopped at the nearest Wal-Mart, and got a few drinks, a lot of water, some bread, some jam, biscuits,  and of course chocolate!

It would probably only last me a few more days, but I wasn’t that fussed.

I carried my bags out to Anna, and started to load her up. And yes, in case you were wondering, Anna is the name of my yellow Beetle.

You have to name your car, there’s no question about it!

Once I’d gotten settled back in, I decided to put in a new CD, a playlist that my brother had kindly made for me.

I turned up the sound, smiling slightly; I did miss him, no matter how annoying he was.

Then I heard the first song – correction; I do not miss him.

The first song on the CD was One Thing by One Direction. Mike knows how much I hate boy bands, especially One Direction.

Boy bands are only known for their looks, and they’re such a clean-cut image – seriously!

They’re all the same, and I can’t stand it.

But as I went through the different tracks, I realized all the songs were by One Direction.

Oh, don’t worry Mike, I thought viciously, I will get you back soon.

And with that, I started reversing out of the parking lot.

Until I felt the car lurch forward, and I suddenly hit the airbags.

*Liam’s POV*

Last night had been our last concert in Arizona, and today we were travelling to our next concert location in Nevada.

However, the boys and I decided to travel in a seven–seated Land rover so I could practice my driving, and the boys would still have space to stretch their legs.

Paul took the tour bus, and so most fans will think that we’re travelling in there.

Not that we don’t love the fans, but it is nice to be treated normally sometimes.

We had put disguises on because we wanted to buy food at Walmart – Niall wanted spicy food, Louis and Harry wanted to share a bag of lollies, Zayn wanted to buy gum, and I just wanted to shut them all up.

They were making so much noise that I turned around and yelled, “SHUT UP! I’m trying to park!”

“Watch out!” Louis yelled back, and I stomped on the brakes as fast as I could – but not before I saw the damage I had done.

I turned off the car as fast as I could, and jumped out to help whoever was in that car.

“Oh my God, are you okay??” I asked as I tried to open the driver’s door, and I noticed two things straight away.

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