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 Yet again, the sun was shining, and it was a perfect day in California. 

But I was leaving it. 

"I'm going to miss you so much honey!" my mom cried into my shoulder, and I chuckled slightly as I hugged her back. 

"Mum, you know I'm not travelling across the world, right? I'm just visiting our family - you can call me anytime you want!" 

She finally let me go, and looked into my eyes, smiling slightly. 

"Sweetie, you've grown up so much - I know I can trust you to be safe. I'm just going to miss you a lot!" With that, she hugged me tightly again, and kissed me on my cheek. 

"Seriously mom? She's not even going to be gone for that long," groaned my brother obnoxiously, and I ruffled his hair. 

"Please, little brother, you are so going to beg me to come back in a few weeks, when you call me up and tell me how lonely it is here," I laughed, and he grinned. 

"See you Soph, be safe," he whispered as we hugged goodbye, and I got in the car. 

Everything was packed, my trusty little car was ready to pump some tunes, and I was ready to have a great time. 

"Bye!!" chorused Mum and Mike, and I waved goodbye. 

Goodbye California, hello Minnesota. 

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