I wished Lena knew

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Reign charged at me, flying us off the roof into the city. Her grip was tight and I almost got out of it when I heard glass breaking mroe than felt us fly into a building. She was as strong as me, that was for sure as her fist connected with my face. At the very least she was stronger than Kal.

Trading blows I was aware of civilians around us celebrating something or other. She was quick, blow after blow hitting me before I could do anything or stopping me when I tried. After several blows, I managed to block her arm and throw a few myself, Reign stepping back from the force, but only one at a time. Winding up for a big hit, she dodge and I blew a glass sculpture to pieces.

She tried to grab my neck and once again we were trading blows in this building like it was a boxing ring... I needed to get her out of here. I managed to throw her across the table and grab her as she stood up, flying us out of the building before someone got hurt.

We didn't make it far before we were punching each other flying through National City's skyline, the two of us eventually falling among containers on a boat at the docks. I was just getting to my feet when I saw what she was doing... she was tipping the boat. Losing balance all I saw for several seconds were two containers sliding towards me. Annoying trick, but she had to know it would take more than that to stop me, right?

Shoving them out of my way, I flew at her, hitting her with enough force we started back towards the city, landing in street. Okay... maybe this wasn't my finest idea for avoiding civilians. Screams rang in my ears and people ran into buildings or as far from us as possible as my fist connected with her face again.

She didn't even look like that fall hurt her, every punch was just as hard as the first with as much speed, rattling my brain a little at this point. At least five in a row and I still couldn't block her, not even when there was a second longer before the next one. I only saw her fist as it collided with my face, pushing me to the floor and making the ground spin slightly.

Facing some of the onlookers, a girl tried to take a step towards us, my focus now on her. "Get back. Stay back, stay back." I was so focused on them and making sure they were safe I lost sight of Reign. My head pounded the concrete as she hit me in the back of the head with something.

Worse than before, I struggled for a moment, my hand touching my head as something warm dripped down my hairline. Red... I was bleeding. Steeling my resolve, I pushed the pain and dizziness away and stood up, almost falling as I did. She wasn't going to win that easily.

Blocking her punch, I got one to her stomach and face before she stopped me. Kneeing me in the stomach, I lost all breath and swimming in my vision I barely had time to see her headbutt me. I could feel the blood dripping from my lip, only just and when she let go my legs gave way under me.

She doesn't even look tired. Hoping to tire her out was not going to work here, she'd kill me before she broke a sweat at this rate. I lurched as her foot stomped on me, cracking the concrete under me and forming a Supergirl sized dint in the already destroyed road.

Come on! One last rally! Lena's face flashed in my mind as I got to my knees, her sleepy face last night as she said 'Marry me' like it was the most normal think in the world whilst drunk. My arm came up and blocked the concrete bat she used earlier. Taking it from her, I spun around and gathered as much momentum as possible, making this hit count as I connected with her chin in an uppercut that sent her flying back into an overturned car.

Falling again, I used my hands to help me climb up the rubble, hoping to see her down... her walking from the car with the door in her hands made my face drop. What was this woman made of? 

I did nothing but watch as she threw it at me, knocking my feet from under me and sending me flipping into the air and preparing for the hard concrete. Instead, a burning heat hit my chest as her heat vision sent me flying onto the roof of a nearby building.

The spotlights following us were making my head hurt, not that it made much difference at this point, everything hurt. I heard her land through the ringing in my ears, her next words sounding like a promise.

"I'm gonna kill you."

I could barely hold myself up, looking up at her from the ground. "You know, you don't scare me." I managed to make it to my knees, practically kneeling before her.

"You are no God, just as I'm no Devil." She reached down to me. "All I am is truth." Her hand wrapped around the front of my suit, lifting me from the floor, groans leaving me. "And judgement." She stepped forward, holding me over the side of the building.

I knew what was coming, but at this point I could barely keep my focus as she started talking again. "And death... and I will Reign." Her eyes were the last thing I saw before I felt air rushing up to greet me; cold, heartless eyes that watched as I fell from her open palm.

I didn't feel the impact I made, losing consciousness before I could fall that far. The last thought in my head one I wished Lena knew.


I was stood watching the news coverage from the DEO as Alex and a team got ready to move out. Every hit she took made the air leave my lungs. Winn stood watching with me and I had a glimmer of hope for one moment when she hit her with the pipe/concrete block, but this woman just stood up like she was being annoyed by a fly.

Lost in watching and worrying, I didn't even notice Alex leave with her team until I collapsed into chair when Kara fell from the building, landing unconscious in a small crater. Alex was soon by her side, not looking like a worried sister as the news caught them loading her into the back of a van and driving off. One camera caught a child clearly say, even without audio, "Is she dead?".

"They're pulling up now." Winn's voice broke me from watching the now pale news reader try to continue with their show. He rushed off to a side corridor, me steps behind him as others joined us. I barely got a look at her as they wheeled her into a room and what little I did see was covered in blood and bruises. Winn and a few others followed Alex in, but my phone started ringing, making me pause. Who the hell is calling me now? Sam knwos I'm trying to talk to Kara and no one else knows I'm in town?

In my pause I knocked someone else following Winn and looking up I couldn't believe what I was seeing - or who. Mon-El... he couldn't have been here but there was no mistaking the man in front of me or the worried look in his eyes as he sidestepped me to get in the room. How is he even here? Why wouldn't Kara tell me? Does she even know?

The questions ran through my head faster than I could process them, my phone ringing for a second time with Jess' number. No matter how badly I wanted to step through the door in front of me, Jess knew not to call me this week no matter what.

It killed me, but I turned my back on the room Kara was being treated in and answered the phone. "What is it Jess?" I had to clear my throat to stop myself from sounding like a crying mess, my free hand wiping at my face to find tears falling down it.

"Miss Luthor, I know you said not to call under any circumstance... but Sam's assistant told me you were in town and I thought you should know she didn't show to a meeting with some fairly large investors earlier this evening." I'll give Jess this, she sounded terrified to be calling me after my instructions when I left, but she was right I would have wanted to know this.

"Thank you for telling me." I looked back at Kara's room, my heart breaking already. "I'll be right in."

In Need of a Date - SupercorpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora