4. Job Hunt

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"Kids, I have news." Jack and I both look up from our meals and to our mother with eyes that say 'go on.' I begin to take a sip from the water in my glass. She sighs and finishes, "I got laid off today....." I almost choke on my water.


"Get your feet off of my coffee table!" My mother barks, taking my feet from the surface and dropping them to the ground. Ever since they shut down her department at work and she lost her job, shes been irritable. Its Thursday afternoon and the only plans I have are to watch Family Guy. I shrug her off, turning my attention back to the screen. "You are so ungrateful!" She continues, throwing her arms up for effect. "You need a job!" My mom insists. I narrow my eyes at her. She's joking. She has to be.

"Oh, now I've gotten your attention!" She is obviously annoyed. I decided not to push her. I grab the remote, switching off the TV and turning to my mother.

"Alright. You've got my attention. You want me to get a job? I'll get one," I tell her calmly, standing to my feet.

I walk into the bathroom, throwing my brown hair into a high bun and applying some lipstick to my lips.

Sauntering into the sitting room, I waved to my mother and grabbed my keys from the coffee table. "Where are you going?" My mom asks when I get to the front door. "To get a job," I tell her shoving my feet into my Uggs. Yeah, it's hot in Cali but I lived in Michigan all my life. I have 8 pairs of Uggs and I'm wearing them. "Wish me luck."

When I made it to my car, there was a red flyer on the hood. I looked around and noticed that there was one on every car on the block. I guess it couldn't be that bad. I finally opened it.

Inside of the red flyer was an ad for a babysitting job. At the bottom of the flyer, there was a number to call if we were interested in setting up an interview. Lucky me.

I strolled back into the house with a wide grin on my face. My mother peeked from around the corner. "Did you even look for a job? You were gone like.." she looks down at her watch and continues, "five minutes."

I smirk and start up the stairs. "Hello?? I said, did you get a job??"

I stop in my tracks and turn around so that I'm facing her. "Not yet," I inform her. "I'll let you know though." She thought I couldn't do it. Boy did I prove her wrong.

I hike up the stairs, glaring into my brothers room. He was laying on his bed, talking on the phone. "Nah. Girl, you know what's up," he says running a hand through his hair. I roll my eyes. Boys.

I make it to my room and drop onto my bed. I pull my pink iPhone C out of my Jogger's pocket and dial the number on the flyer.

A man picks up after the third ring. "Hello. I'm calling about the babysitting job. I wanted to set up an interview, if that's possible," I tell them, waiting wholeheartedly for a yes.

"Sure. What day and time is good for you?" They ask. My heart jumps at that. "Saturday at 4?" I wait, biting my lip. Oh great, now I'm doing it too. "Great. I will need your name and phone number," the person tells me. "Drew Perez and 323-76 -" the person interrupts. "Drew?"

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