3. Oh how hot Mr. Lopez is

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"Could you stay behind please?" He asks. "Why didn't you pay attention?" he asks. Just then, I drop my sketch book. It smacked the ground revealing my sketches. What in the actual fuck. I dropped down, in an attempt to pick it up before Mr. Lopez noticed, but it was too late. He saw it. "Wow," he said, retrieving the sketch book from my hands and slowly turning the pages. He stopped at the one of him. "These are really nice. And who is this handsome guy?" he asked.


I quickly drove home. I wanted to get started on all this homework. I pulled my purple charger into the drive way and quickly got out, grabbing the Starbucks I had gotten on the way home. When I walked into the house, my little brother hugged me. "How was your first day? Spill the deeds," he says, grinning from ear to ear. I hand him a Starbucks cup with his favorite drink in it and sit at the table. "Jackie, I've got a lot of homework to do. But I will after," I assure him. He says okay, and sprints upstairs.

Jack and I are very close. He's only 15 but he's very tall and older looking. I tell him everything.

After I finished my horrid French homework, I made my way to Jack's room. When I got to his door, he was on the phone with someone. He looked really into the conversation so I knocked. He quickly looked up. "I gotta go. Yeah. Bye." I walked in and sat on his beanie chair. "So.....who was that?" I asked. I was concerned in a way.

"A girl," he said biting his lip. I hate it when he does that. "Oh yeah?" I challenge. "An older girl," he tells me and my excitement turns to worry. I don't want my baby brother to get his heart broken, or get into anything he's too young for.

"We've been here 2 days and you already met someone??" I ask. He's such a player. "Yeah, I met her at the mall after our flight came in last night. She's chill, and if it goes anywhere then you can meet her." I smiled at what he said. He's so thoughtful when it comes to me. "Okay my turn!" I tell him, ready to go on and on about my day. He nods at me, indicating for me to continue.

"I met this girl. And, excuse my language Jay, but she was such a bitch. She was crying and I just wanted to know if she was okay. Then she snapped on me," I tell him. He shifted in his chair. "Goodness Drew. Did you get in trouble? You know, like, did you hit her?" Wow.

"No, Jay. I know how to control myself." He looks at me in disbelief. I roll my eyes at him and continue. "Anyways, and my English teacher is hot. Like summer hot in the winter." He laughs at me. "That hot, huh?"

I laugh in return. "What else happened?" Jack asks, running a hand through his messy hair. "Well, despite it being my first day, they spared no homework," I tell him, rolling my eyes. "Oh yeah? I got two days to catch up," he smirks.

"Asshole," I growl, throwing a pillow at his head.

"Guys!! Dinner's ready!" My mother calls from down stairs. I shoot Jack a death glare and walk out of his room. When I get down there, my mother has already set the table. I sit down across from my mom, leaving Jack a seat. When he gets down stairs, we say grace.

After saying grace, there was an awkward silence and thick tension. My mother was the first to speak. "So, Drew. How was your day?" She asks. I look up from my potatoes and turn to her. "Oh, it was fine. And you?" I ask her, trying to make conversation. "Good," she tells me, nodding her head for effect. She then turns to Jack. "What about you Jackie? How was your day?"

"Fine," he answers plainly, playing with his vegetables. The silence and cloud of tension returns and I sulk into my seat, wishing it was over. As I was about to ask to be excused, my mother speaks.

"Kids, I have news."

Jack and I both look up from our meals and to our mother with eyes that say 'go on.' I begin to take a sip from the water in my glass.

She sighs and finishes, "I got laid off today....." I almost choke on my water.

"You mean that you lost your job? Are you joking?" Jack asks, while O sit there, speachless. What are we going to do? Where will we get our money?

"That's exactly what I mean," she replies. "Where are we going to get money?" I ask. She sits there, and sighs. "Drew, I haven't really figured that out yet. For a little while, you two are going to have to help out around the house," she tells us. I nod, understandingly. It's the least we can do.

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