Chapter 38

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Demi's POV

With my heart thumping in my chest, I jiggle the keys into the ignition and back out of my driveway.

I have no idea what happened to Annie. I have no idea if she's physically hurt. What I do know is that someone hurt her- and if someone even neared as touched her- I will make sure they won't live to see another day.

Eventually after what felt like forever, I jumped out of the car. My legs feel like they're made of jello and I already feel beads of sweat trickling down my neck because of how nervous I am.

I entered the office half expecting Annie to be waiting in one of the chairs but she wasn't.

"May I help you?" One of the lady's at the front asked.

"My daughter Annie, she s-"

"Oh, yes," the woman looked nervous, "Follow me."

I gulped and tightened my grip around my keys just in case I have to cut a bitch.

I fell back behind the lady as she led me through a hallway. Then, she knocked on a door and entered before anyone could answer.

The first person I saw was Annie with her face in her hands. My heart immediately sank at the sight. Her dark blonde hair fell in front of her face as she looked up.

Her eyes were bloodshot and it was super puffy around them. The little makeup she put on this morning is now smeared across her cheeks but she still finds a way to be beautiful.

Before I knew it, she had crossed the room and into my arms, crying into my shoulder. I held her so tight. I held her so tight that if one hug could put all the pieces back together, this one would.

I saw the receptionist close the door behind her and I lead Annie to the couch where she continued to cry with a death grip on me. She's scared and frightened. Whenever she gets really scared or something bad happens, she never lets me out of her sight. In a way I guess I'm her.. Nightingale. She's mine, too.

"Hi, Miss. Lovato." The woman spoke. "I'm the councilor, Mrs. Torres."

"Hi, you can call me Demi. What happened?" I asked, rubbing Annie's back worriedly. "Did someone hurt her?!"

She sighed, "We're not sure what is causing this, but kids were calling Annie very explicit names and then a boy walked up to her at her locker and called her.. Uhm..."

"He called me a nasty bitch, mom!" Annie cried out loud. "He said I was a slut! He told me to fuck off and never talk to him again.. He said he hated me."

My blood started boiling, "Who said that?! Who's he?!"

"Him, mom. Conner!"

I'm beyond pissed. I am livid. I don't have one clue on why Conner would do this. Out of all people! I'm so flabbergasted and.. I'm fucking angry. I am so so so pissed off!

"What the fuck?!" I said, raising my voice. "Randomly?! Did something happen?!"

"Nothing happened, ma'am." Mrs. Torres said. "This is something really sudden."

"Why are you so calm?! Why haven't you guys done something?! This is bullying. Do you hear me?! I want the principal in here and I want every kid that called Annie a name in here!"

"We would have reacted immediately, but Annie doesn't want anyone involved. So, we waited for you."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, looking at Annie.

"I don't want him anymore mad at me than he already is." She said, tears streaming down her face.

After everything that bastard put Annie through and she still worried about what he'll think.

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