Chapter 36

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Demi's POV

I happily sipped my healthy smoothie as Marissa walked in the kitchen. I just dropped Annie off at school and now me and Marissa are about to work out.

Annie has been going to school for almost a week now and to be honest it's bittersweet.

"I've been craving this smoothie sense I got the stuff to make it yesterday!" I laughed.

Marissa raised an eyebrow, "Really? Craving it?"

What did she mean by that?

"Yeah?" I awkwardly said, and began walking towards the door.

She jumped off the barstool and started following me, but then I remembered I forgot my keys. "Dammit. I forgot my keys on the counter,"

"That's not the only thing you left on the counter," she mumbled.


She looked up from her phone, "Oh, nothing. Just reading this thing,"

Hm.. I wonder what's going on? I feel awkward and I never ever feel awkward around Marissa. She's up to something. Speaking of awkward, Annie has been acting super sketchy the past week, too. I don't know what's up.

Once I grabbed my keys, we began our journey to the car. I smiled slightly as I passed the framed picture of me, Wilmer, and Annie. I was supposed to meet Wilmer for lunch today, but I haven't made much time for Marissa lately so I canceled. Gym time way overdue.

"So," Marissa said, once I slipped in the car, "What's been going on lately?"

I turned the key in the ignition and slightly raised my eyebrow. She knows everything that's been going on. We talk literally everyday and she's acting like we haven't for ten years.

"Uh, nothing?" I said, "You know everything,"

She snorted, "Do I?"

Being annoyed and slightly pissed off, I decided just to drop it and not talk. Obviously she knows something I don't, so I'll just give her space and if it's bothering her this bad she'll tell me soon.


"Help me up!" Marissa groaned.

I laughed and grabbed onto her hands, pulling her up on her feet. Next, we went to the weights.

Marissa grabbed hers and I grabbed mine, but when I turned around, Marissa's face had concern written all over it. "What?"

"Are you sure you should be lifting those? They look a little.. Heavy.." She said wearily.

I looked down and furrowed my eyebrows, "No? I lift like this all the time,"

"I know but just- well sense- I just think think you should lay off.. Just a little for today, you know?" She said.

"What is your problem today?" I asked.

She's been acting even weirder sense we got to the gym. She's all worried about me working myself to much and I'm not sure why. Im actually doing a little less than I usually do.

"I know you're pregnant.."

Annie's POV

My heart is hammering in my chest.

Moments ago, I saw Conner walk through the hallway and to the courtyard to eat lunch. He looked extremely hot, btw.

I masked all the courage to go talk to him. I have it all planned out in my head. I'm going to casually bump into him and then we'll have our little moment. I'll act like I'm mad and he'll give his explanation of why he didn't reach out to me and then he'll beg for forgiveness. I have butterflies just thinking about it.

I closed my locker shut and walked out the doors. I'm super hungry, but I'm not sure if I should talk to Conner, then eat or to eat then talk to Conner.

"Hey," I heard Madison say.

I turned around and saw Madison come up by my side, "Hey. What's up?"

"Nothing," she shrugged, "What's up with you?"

"I think I'm going to talk to Conner.." I said confidently.

"Oh," she sang, "I'm about to get a piece of pizza. Want one?"

"Please!" I smiled.

"Fine, fine." She joked, then walked away.

I scanned through all of the students but I didn't see him. Maybe he's in line or something. I sighed. How am I supposed to casually bump into him when I can't even find him?

Fuck. I didn't do my algebra homework and I was going to do it during lunch. Maybe if I go to my locker he'll be in here by the time I get back.

I happily opened the doors and walked back into my hallway, starting for my locker.. But then I stopped dead in my tracks.

There was Conner.. But he was with that Carter girl that's in my first hour. The one that walks with me to class everyday. But, instead of her being all bouncy and energetic, she was leaning against the lockers twisting the button on Conners shirt. He was leaning sideways against the locker so has a good look at her. My stomach churned in disgust.

I told Conner everything. I never thought something like this could happen to me. This is something that would happen in a movie. I fucking told him everything and he used me. It was so perfect. He was so perfect. I got butterflies in my stomach every time I glanced into those big blue eyes and I couldn't stop smiling when I was with him. I thought... I thought I was in love.

But now I'm watching him watch her the same way he watched me and I know it wasn't love what we had because if it was he wouldn't be looking at her... he'd be looking at me.


I've been swallowing back this lump in my throat all day. Why would I think that the perfect scenario in my head would actually come true? Stupid, stupid girl.

I hate Conner and I hate Carter. Obviously Carter follows Conner on social media and I know she saw those pictures he posted of us and I know that makes her insanely jealous. I also know that whole first day thing was an act. She's using our 'friendship' to rub it in my face that she has Conner and I don't.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder I purposely slammed my locker shut. Fuck. Demi's pregnant and I was going to vent to Conner about it.. But look where that went. That stupid bastard probably tells everyone what I told him. I'm starting to feel less guilty about the wreck he got in.

"Hey," Madison said, walking alongside of me once again, "Do you feel better?"

"No," I mumbled, pushing the doors open.

I walked across the parking lot with Madison shorty behind me to Demi's car. I just want to be alone and I don't want anyone to talk to me.

I saw Marissa was in the passenger seat, which is both good and bad. Good because I've missed her and bad because she probably told Demi I know she's pregnant.

I swung open the backseat door and tossed my backpack in, then I slid in beside Mads.

"Hey guys!" Marissa squealed, "How was school?"

I rested my elbow down and cupped my chin, looking out the window with my hair covering my face so no one saw me cry.

"It was okay," Maddie said, "I aced my Government test, so that's cool."

"What about you, Ann?" Marissa asked.

I squeezed my eyes shut and held my breath. Don't. Make. A. Sound.

"Annie?" Demi asked.

"She probably doesn't want to talk about it right now," Madison mumbled.

"Annie!" Demi repeated, "What is wrong?"

I felt the heaviness settle on my chest as the lump in my throat grew bigger. Im so.... sad.


Filler chaptaa.

I'm loling @ marissa bc she thinks Demi's pregnant.

MUCH :))

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