Chapter 28

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Marissa's POV

What have I got myself in the middle of? I've got Demi on the phone complaining that Annie won't talk to her and she misses her and then I have Annie beside me saying she doesn't want to talk.

Annie misses Demi more than anything, and Demi misses Annie more than I could explain. Demi does need some time apart to readjust herself and focus on what her priorities are. If she's away from Annie, she'll realize how fucking dumb drinking is.

As of now, I'm in my room while Wilmer is talking to Annie about who knows what downstairs. A part of me knows I probably should be supervising because who knows what could happen. Annie loves Wilmer one day, and hates him the next.

My phone vibrated beside me and I picked it up to see Demi calling- again- we've landed four hours ago and she's called at least twenty times.


"Do you think she misses me?" She croaked.

I rolled my eyes and threw myself down on my pillow, "Demi. Are you seriously asking me this? Again?"

"She won't answer or text me back-"

"Her phone is shut off and she's been talking to Wilmer downstairs for two hours!"

"Two hours?" She said, taken back, "Have you checked on them?"


"Have you heard screaming?"


"Id go look.."

I huffed and got out of bed while Demi rambled on about Annie and tour or something.

"Are you listening?" Demi's voice rang through.

"Yes, Dems."

I jogged down the stairs and turned the corner to see Annie sitting on the counter with her knees drawn to her chest, staring blankly at the floor.

"Demi, no one is dead. I'll call you later, bye," I spoke fastly and hung up.

Annie looked up momentarily to watch me walk in, then turned her attention back to the floor.

"Annie, what happened?"

"He's.. On my side," she huffed.

Isn't that what she wants?

"And that's a bad thing?" I curiously asked.

"Well... Kinda," she huffed, "He's just saying that so he can get closer to Demi."

I think he's as close to Demi as he can get, but that's just my opinion.

"You're passive aggressive." I said, "I'm positive you and I both know Wilmer is trying so hard for you to just like him. He really... He loves you, Annie. I know it's hard to accept that and to really believe he isn't evil, but maybe you should try. Think about it."

I started backing away slowly and I knew the realization was coming to Annie quickly and it was only a matter of time until she stops being stubborn and embrace it.

Three days later

Annie's POV

I stood in front of the mirror and curled my last piece of hair. Marissa and I are going to my school orientation in about a half hour. Dreading it.

Next to the curling iron rests my phone that I just turned on for the first time sense we left the tour. I haven't spoke but the minimum of eight words to Demi. The only time I talked to her is when Marissa forced the phone up against my ear. I know it's the wrong thing to do, but Im still mad at her. I don't know why, but I am. If she can deal without seeing me for a week, she can deal without speaking.

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