Chapter 15 - The Festival (Last Part)

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*3'd POV*

Kageyama: And you want me to come with you?
Hinata: Yes! 
Kageyama: Why would I go to some stupid festival?
Hinata: Because it's fun... 
Moma Kageyama: Tobio, come on, don't you wanna spend some time with Shōyo?
Kageyama: No.
Hinata: I guess it's just gonna be me and Lev... 
Moma Hinata: Okay, well, good bye everyone, thank you for taking in my son!
Lev: Thank you for the breakfast! 
Hinata: Good bye, Miss... Bye... Kageyama...
Moma Kageyama: Bye! It was no problem! Visit more often! 

   Just as they were about to leave, Kageyama changed his mind. He really didn't want Lev and Hinata to be alone together. They were way too friendly with each other.

Kageyama: Actually- I'll go!
Hinata: Wait, really? You'll come to the festival?
Kageyama: Yes...
Hinata: Yayy! I knew you'd change your mind! 
Moma Hinata: Okay then! I'm glad you changed your mind, Tobio.

   Lev and Hinata dashed to the car and Hinata hopped in the front seat. Him and Lev were talking about how excited they were about the festival.

Moma Kageyama: Tobio, come here real quick before you leave.
Kageyama: Okay.
Moma Kageyama: First of all, be polite. Second of all, this is the perfect opportunity to confess. There's going to be fireworks in the evening, then you have to confess. Buy him something nice. Also take two hoodies, because it's gonna be cold and you have to give one to Shōyo. 
Kageyama: Okay.
Moma Kageyama: Go get 'em, baby! I love you!
Kageyama: I love you too... (How is this woman my mother...)

   Kageyama sprinted to his room to grab a bigger hoodie on purpose, so Hinata would look extra cute. Then he dashed back downstairs and walked out the door to Hinata's car. He hopped in the back seat, next to Lev.

   The car ride was pretty awkward for him. He was really nervous and scared to confess. It's pretty dumb now that the roles are switched. He now understands how shit Hinata felt when he confessed to Kageyama. He'll be devastated if Shōyo rejects him. 

   All he could do was listen to Lev and Hinata talk about how "they're gonna eat so much food that they'll explode." He hated sitting next to that tall weirdo. "Who is he to be so close to Shōyo? He's not taking him away from me!" he thought to himself while basically grinding his teeth.

   Once they arrived, Hinata's mom gave Hinata some money and hugged him good bye, then waved to Lev and Kageyama. All 3 of them made their way into the market area.

   Hinata bought some onigiri and shared it with Lev and Kageyama. Most of the time, Kageyama tried to get Lev away from Hinata, like when they walked, Kageyama purposely squeezed in the middle and when they tried the little boat ride, he volunteered to share a boat with Hinata, because the workers thought that Shōyo was under 16. 

   Hinata was a little suspicious, but he liked that Kageyama wasn't mean to him for once. On the other hand, Lev seemed clueless to all of Kageyama's actions and just accepted the adjustments he made. 

   Later on, they found a mini game booth that had sports themed prizes. Of course, Hinata tried to win the volleyball ball, but failed. That's why Kageyama was determined to win that ball. Plus, it did look pretty high quality.

  He spent half of his money when he finally won. Hinata and Lev had already wondered off somewhere to get some food. 

Kageyama: Shit... Where did those two go...
Some Random Karen: Hey, don't swear! My children can hear you, young man. 
Kageyama: Don't tell me what to- ...Okay... I'm sorry... 
Some Random Karen's Random Child: Mommy, can we get some cotton candy?
Karen: Sigh... Just this once... Children really do love those sugary sweets. 
~The little family walks away~
Kageyama: "Children really love those sugary sweets..." perfect...

   Kageyama decided to also get Hinata some cotton candy, since apparently "Children love them." And he thought since Hinata acts like one, he might as well like the same things as them, right? 

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