Chapter 4 - New school

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*Hinata's POV*

   My mom helped me switch schools to Nekoma. She told the principal briefly about what happened to me in Karasuno, so that the principal could tell other teachers to go easier on me. I didn't want pitty or anything like that! She told me that I would stay home until my bruises healed a bit. I agreed to that, because even I understood what terrible condition my body was in.
   I texted Daichi and coach Ukai that I'd be leaving schools. They were very understanding. I'm going to miss them all... Karasuno really was my dream volleyball team... I feel terrible that I couldn't even finish my first year there.
   My mom also found out which class Lev went to, so I could have a friend in my class. Everything was going smoothly and the principal even said that they'd make sure no one would get bullied or made fun of. Even if  their reputation was at cost.
   I was so happy! My life was finally getting better, just like coach Ukai said. I would watch TV and play with Natsu all day, but I obviously couldn't let volleyball go, so I kept practicing at home too. Everyday my bruises got less-visible and didn't hurt anymore. I felt ready for my new school!

Shōyo's mom: Shōyo! Time to wake u-! Oh, you're already getting ready! Wonderful! Now, this school is much further away, I'd appreciate if you'd let me drive you there everyday. Or you can take public transport.
Hinata: It's okay, mom! I'll take the morning bus! I don't want to make you late for work.
Shōyo's mom: Nonsense! Let me just take you to school on your first day, ok?
Hinata: Finee....

    After getting ready, I ate breakfast, said goodbye to Natsu and got into my mom's car. She drove me all the way to Tokyo. I was in my best mood today.
When we got to Nekoma High, she offered to lead me inside, but I declined. Yesterday, I asked Kenma, if he could come greet me, and he kindly agreed.
We said our goodbyes and she drove off. I walked inside and got a lot of stares and heard whispers all over. I just assumed they were whispering about me, because I was new. I looked around for anyone I knew and saw Kenma. He walked over to me.

Kenma: Hey... Shōyo...
Hinata: Kenma! I'm so glad to see you! This is so exciting!
Kenma: Yeah... I guess... Come with me!
Hinata: Okay!
Kenma: I'll show you around, because the principal asked me... Or whatever... These are your classes. You were put in Lev's class.
Hinata: Yeah! Awesome!

Kenma showed me around their school. It was so cool! I liked it better than Karasuno actually, it was way bigger!

Kenma: And this is where we practice volleyball, if you're interested in joining.
Kenma: Figured...
Hinata: Should I go to my first period now?
Kenma: Yeah... You remember where it was, right?
Hinata: I think!
Lev: WOAH!! Is that who I think it is?! HINATA!
Hinata: LEV! Hi!!!
Lev: What're you doing here?? And in our uniform!
Hinata: Heh, isn't it obvious? I'll be attending this school now!
Lev: Wait... Are you serious?! What about your volleyball team?
Hinata: I'll miss them... A lot, but I hope I can get over it fast!
Lev: So does that mean you'll be in our team now?!
Hinata: If rooster-head lets me join!
Lev: This is so exciting! Where's your first period? I can take you there.
Hinata: Wherever yours is.
Lev: You mean you're gonna be in my class too?!
Hinata: Yeah!
Lev: Awesome!! Let's go! I'm gonna have so much fun at school now!
Hinata: Yayy!!! Bye, Kenma!
Kenma: ...Bye...

   The day pretty much went perfectly, I made quite a lot of friends and everyone seemed to accept me being... well gay.
   The only thing I was a little bit worried about, was that Kuroo would let me join. Me and Lev walked to the practice room together.
   When we got there, I was so excited! I saw all of Nekoma's players, which could potentially be my new teammates!

Hinata: Hello, everyone!
Kuroo: Shrimpy? Wait... What're you doing here?
Lev: He teansferred here today! It's his first day.
Hinata: Yeah... I wanted to know if I could join the volleyball team, since I'm not in Karasuno anymore...
Kuroo: Woah... That's white a surprise! This could really be an advantage if we were to play against Karasuno. You can practice with us today and I'll decide after practice.
Hinata: Okay!

   Practice was very different. It was weird, but not bad. I really liked everyone in Nekoma and their coaches were cool too! To sum it up, it actually went great! And at the end, Kuroo and the coaches decided to let me join!
   That night I couldn't sleep, I was so happy, I just wanted to jump around and scream a lot. My mind suddenly drifted in a different direction. I suddenly remembered Kageyama. I was really going to miss him and everyone else. They were he best teammates ever! But I guess it wouldn't have lasted forever anyway.
   I'm sure I'll meet them again. For once I could even play against then, which would be so fun!

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