Don't mess with Fangirls

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The three of them walked in and sat down in separate desks, Boruto decided to sit next to Sasuke due to the fact that he wouldn't care. While he was sitting down he saw his dad, sit down next to him, he seemed really pleased for some strange reason. "Hey Naruto, what's happening?" Boruto asked him. 

"Oh, it's you I didn't know you were a Genin." Naruto told him completely ignoring the question.

"Naruto, what are you doing here this isn't for dropouts you can't be here unless you graduate." Shikamaru told Naruto as he passed by.

"Oh yeah, do you see this, see this, open your eyes Shikamaru, its a regulation headband. We're going to be training together, how do you like that?" Naruto told Shikamaru.

"Hmph" Shikamaru grumbled.

"Let me put it this way, I look great in this headgear like it was made for me believe it!" Naruto yelled. Then there was a loud noise near the doorway Boruto turned around to see Sakura and Ino fighting at the doorway.

"I'm first!" Sakura and Ino yelled. 

"I won again Sakura." the blonde hair girl told tiredly. 

"Give it up, I had to look back at you, my toe was at least a tenth of an inch ahead." the pink hair girl replied. They bantered back and forth until Boruto zoned out.

'They were really competitive at this age, I have so much blackmail material to use when I get back.' Boruto thought. 

"Move it!" Sakura suddenly yelled pushing Boruto and Naruto off the seats. "Goodmorning Sasuke, mind if I sit next to you?" Sakura asked in a sweet tone.

"Back off Forehead, I'm sitting next to Sasuke." Ino informed her grabbing her arm.

"I was here first!" Sakura stated.

"I walked into the classroom before you did. Everyone saw it!" Ino said.

"Dream on." Sakura fired back. Suddenly a bunch of girls started to fight and bicker. That's when Boruto realised something.

"Wait, you guys are all fangirls of Sasuke. Can I join your group?" Boruto asked as a number 1 fan of Sasuke's power. None of them must have heard him because they shoved him next to Naruto who looked mad. Naruto then jumped up in front of Sasuke and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Hey, Naruto stop glaring at Sasuke." Sakura scolded him. He didn't stop. Next thing Boruto knows the both of them were glaring at each other. Boruto could hear the banter of girls, yelling at Naruto they way worse than the girls when Boruto went to the academy, Sarada cared about being a ninja more.

"Haha, this is great" a boy laughed in front of Naruto bumping into him. He said some more words but everyone was zoned out by what they were seeing in front of them. Boruto's father and his master were kissing, Boruto had thought that his dad's first kiss would be his mom. They got out gagging and coughing in disgust, it reminded Boruto of his almost kiss with Sarada. Boruto was about to laugh when he noticed a dark aura beside him.

"Naruto..." Sakura started. "You are so dead." Sakura stated pissed off. At that moment Boruto knew his dad was in danger.

"Woah, it was an accident." Naruto told frantically.

"You're finished!" Sakura declared clenching her fists together. Don't mess with fangirls because in the next second Naruto was beaten to a pulp.  Iruka came in and gestured Boruto to the front of the class, Boruto hopes he knows his story.  

"Class, this is Boruto Hyuga." Iruka announced. Questions fired Boruto's way left and right mostly asking why his eyes were blue others looked really annoyed with him. Boruto however, stared blankly not answering any questions. "Quiet, please." Iruka commanded. The noise settled down."Boruto, can not answer any questions about his heritage, also he is an observer for a Team for some time." Iruka told his class.

"What's an observer?" Naruto asked bluntly.

"When your team is not capable and up against someone who is way to high level an observer will help otherwise they stay back and watch you guys on every mission." Iruka sensei briefly explained. "As of today, you guys are ninja, to get here you guys have faced difficult trials and hardships, but that's nothing, what's coming next will be far more difficult. Now you are only Genin first level ninjas all the Genin will be grouped into 3 men squads each squad will be led by a Jounin an elite ninja." Iruka explained.

"Well someone has to be in Sasuke's group. I wonder who." Ino told stating the obvious.

"I don't know." Sakura said. 

"I already know who is going to be with who." Boruto accidentally told out loud.

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