Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I haven’t left my room in days. I’m as skinny as a district 12 child. I have food to spare but I can’t eat. I get sick. All I can think about is finnick and if he will come back to me. I walk out of my room. It’s the night of the chariot rides. I sit down and turn on the screen. I watch for him. Districts 1, 2, 3 come by than 4 appears. He looks stunning! I feel myself blush. He’s barely wearing anything. I want to be in his arms, to be kissed to be with him forever. I slowly start to feel more hatred for the Capitol. They are preparing my love to die. They display him around like a doll and then they watch him die. They cheer or die if he dies then send him home in a wooden box. I can't believe this, be both survived and now one of us is going to die. The thought he might have a chance to win is in my mind but it angers me. I watch as District 12 appears and the star crossed lovers appear on the screen. My heart goes out to them but I feel a bit of hate to them. One of them might kill my true love and they will never know how much pain it will cause me. I think someone can die for heart break. I think I will be the one to prove that right. I watch as the chariots disappear and I turn the screen off and go to my bed room, to cry as I wipe my face to the tears that are already flowing freely and onto the floor. I hold my head and scream. Then I heard a huge bang. People in white came rushing in and grabbed me.

They took me into a room. It was so bright I had to close my eyes. I was so use to the cold dark that the sudden change made me cringe. They pushed me forward and forced me into a chair, strapping me in. I barely tried to fight having no energy. They covered by mouth with some weird stuff and I tried to take it off but my hands wouldn't budge. I whimpered and closed my eyes, I had no idea what was going on. I thought about Finnick and it only made me tear up which caused a sudden pain to be brought to my cheek. I like someone had smacked me and I went quiet and tried to stop the tears. I was clueless of what they wanted. The confusing only made me more scared of the unknown. I thought about being home, back in Finnick's house, talking and I tried to use that to being peace but it didn’t work. I felt a sudden pressure shoot into my arm. I felt dizzy, things started to sway. I looked to the ground, was there water? I tapped it with my toe and I felt the water ripple. I was shocked. I heard a voice start whispering to me. I was so entranced by it I listened, staring at the water. I started to lose my sense of reality. Could this be real? Was I dreaming? Was I home? All these questions shot into my mind. I spoke them out loud I think, and suddenly the whisper started to answer them. "You are home, he left you." the voice spoke. I scream as loud as I could.

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