Chapter 33 - Ellie

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Ellie's part is here. I know many of you don't like Ellie, but she's just immature, and pretty selfish. Some of you might not like this chapter for many reasons, but I hope you read it. Give it a chance. If you don't like it, that's fine, too.

Above is the feet of a baby aborted at 10 weeks. The caption on the picture reads: This is Dr. Russell Saco's widely distributed photo of the feet of a 10-week old aborted baby. At 10 weeks the human body is completely formed. Although the baby is small enough to stand on his/her parents' little fingernail, he/she is so perfectly formed that fingerprints are already in place.


*** Right before Em wakes up ***

I lay facedown on my bed and sobbed, clutching my belly as I went down. I had no idea what to do. I had no one to talk to about what had just happened. I felt like the scum of the Earth, and I really needed to confide in someone- to tell them the truth. I thought back to the day I was released from the hospital, which had been a week and two days ago.

I had managed to get some alone time to say goodbye to Em. I told her to wake up soon, and that she'd managed to make a man out of a guy who had worked to be an adolescent on his best days with me. I told her that her niece or nephew was growing inside me, hoping his/her Auntie Em would wake up before I gave birth.

I had talked with Adam for days about the baby. He and I had decided to give it up for adoption once it was born. Although I had been hesitant to agree to giving up a part of me, I eventually realized it was good for all of us involved. I was too immature and selfish to raise a baby, and Adam had just begun his relationship with Elise.

**** 2 weeks and 2 days ago ****

My mom was taking me home that day, and my dad and Drew were on Em watch. Somehow, those 2 had bonded since the accident. They could spend hours talking about football, books, movies, or Em. They hadn't spoken much when I was dating Drew. Then again, Drew and I had spent most of our time with our couple friends.

As we approached the car, my mom handed me a pamphlet. It read: The Abortion Alternative in big red letters across the top.

"Mom, Adam and I have already..." I started.

"Pish, posh, Elizabeth. Read it. I don't think you realize what a baby will do to that gorgeous body of yours. You know, my body used to be just like yours, until I got pregnant with you and Em. I've never been the same since. Not that you weren't worth it, but I wanted kids. Right now, a baby is only going to complicate your life in every way possible. After all, it's only a bundle of cells at this point," she said. "Do right by your body."

I stared at her and touched my abdomen. How could she imply that my figure was more important than the little guy growing inside me? I was already in love with him, and he was teeny tiny right now. There was no way that I could look at him as a "bundle of cells." For the first time in my life, I felt like my mom was completely stupid.

I shook my head back and forth, saying, "Mom, no. I'm having this baby."

Up until now, she had been driving along the back streets between the hospital and our house. Suddenly, she pulled the car off to the right side of the road, and turned to face me. Her blue eyes looked icy, and her lips were fixed into a tight, thin line. I could hear the raindrops hitting the car's roof, and the monotonous squeak of the windshield wipers gave me something to focus on, since focusing on my mom was going to make me hit her.

"If you want to keep living in my house, you will have an abortion. Read the pamphlet and view the suggested videos. You'll see. It doesn't make you a bad person," she said, before starting up the car and resuming our drive home.

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