Professionalism Be Damned

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Boruto hurried through the village, carefully watching his back. There was no doubt in his mind that Mitsuki was going to follow him. He was always there, as reliable as his own shadow and Boruto loved it. But, it did pose a problem when he was trying to surprise his overprotective boyfriend. Now, however, as Boruto doubled back to throw him off, either Mitsuki had gotten a lot better at tailing or he wasn't there. Boruto squashed his disappointment and tried instead to focus on the task at hand.

Today was the day, he could feel it in his bones. Mitsuki was finally going to remember him; really remember him. He was going to remember them. Sure Mitsuki recognized him and he was grateful for that but he was greedy. He wanted more and he had decided that it wouldn't be enough until he had his partner back completely. He refused to believe that his memories were lost forever and it was his recognition that gave him hope. Boruto would get them back and he would keep trying until he had pulled them all forward.

Unfortunately, his attempts so far had not worked as he had hoped. Each failure was a crushing blow but he refused to give into despair. He was just thinking too small, that was all. He needed something bigger, something so important to Mitsuki that he couldn't help but remember. At first, he had been at a loss. Mitsuki had never been a 'grand gesture' kind of guy so their activities and life together had always been pretty simple. They hadn't managed to get married before it all happened so there wasn't anything big like that he could use. Then it had come to him yesterday. If this didn't work then nothing would. But, it did require a little bit of set up and by 'set up' he meant he needed to talk to Sarada. If anyone know what happened to it, it would be her.

He crossed the village and arrived at Hokage Tower in what felt like no time. He didn't even slow down as he walked through the door to the Hokage's office. There was a moment where everyone froze. Boruto stood with his jaw hanging open, his hand still on the brass door handle and one foot in the office. Directly across from him, behind the Hokage's desk, were ChouChou and Sarada. ChouChou was sitting in the large leather chair his father had always occupied before he retired. Sarada was in her lap, her face and neck covered in ChouChou's lip gloss and her arms wrapped around the larger woman's shoulders. It wouldn't have been so bad if ChouChou was wearing a shirt. ChouChou's hands were frozen in place under Sarada's blouse and her own shirt was hanging from one of the Hokage's hands. Sarada stared at Boruto with wide-eyed shock while ChouChou gave him a self-satisfied smirk. He knew the red in Sarada's face was rivaling his own.

"Don't YOU EVER KNOCK?!!" Sarada roared.

"WHa- How long has this been going on?!" Boruto countered, pointing an accusing finger at the two of them.

"OUT!!!" Sarada screamed, throwing ChouChou's shirt at him. He got the door closed in time to avoid getting hit in the face with it but the old oak barrier didn't save him from ChouChou.

"Oh, I don't mind if he watches." Her whine floated through the door as if unobstructed. Fuck, he did not need to know that.

"Ow! You're no fun." ChouChou's pout followed her whine without mercy. He felt dirty; everywhere. There wasn't water hot enough to cleanse him from what he had seen. His stomach rebelled and the only just managed not to wretch all over the carpet. He sank to the floor, put his head between his knees and steadied it with his hands for good measure. He took deep, even breaths and tried to push the image of his sister from another mother getting it on with her girlfriend in his dad's ex-office, out of his brain. 'Okay' he thought as he shakily pulled himself together, 'evidently Sarada and ChouChou are a thing now' He wiped the cold sweat from his brow and surrendered. Only loving Mitsuki was going to make him feel right again.

He still hadn't completely recovered when ChouChou stepped out into the hallway, fully clothed and makeup immaculate as always... as if nothing had happened... it mocked him.

"Her Lady Hokage will see you now." She said, all business. His stomach threatened him again. He scrambled into the office without looking back and tried to ignore ChouChou's chuckles as she closed the door behind him.

"Sarada?! What the FUCK?!" He shouted at Sarada, instantly on the war path. She was still fire-engine red and had missed a kiss mark on her cheek which glittered scandalously in the morning light.

"That's MY line!" She shouted back, rising to his challenge.

"That chair was my DAD'S!" He shouted, truly traumatized.

"We all could have been spared this if you would just LEARN TO KNOCK!" She countered as her cheeks grew darker, making ChouCHou's mark of affection stand out more against her cheek.

"Who cares?! You were getting it on IN MY DAD'S CHAIR!!"

"It's mine now and what I do in it is none of your business!" She sat down and tried to regain an air of professionalism, "Really, Boruto. I could have been in a very important meeting."

"Important your ass-" He started but Sarada cut him off.

"What do you want?!"

"Sorry, I'll state by business and let you get back to defiling my dad's former office." Boruto said snidely making Sarada glare daggers at him. He could fight with her more but he'd rather get what he came for and get out of here. "I'm looking for Mitsuki's old picture of me. The one he kept on his bed before we started dating."

"You think that will help?" She asked.

"If that doesn't work, nothing will." Boruto answered confidently. Sarada reached down and pulled open the bottom drawer in her desk. She reached in and took out the old picture and handed it out to him.

"Aww, Sarada! I didn't know you cared." He teased as he stepped forward and took the picture. Sarada's face, which had almost been back to normal, flushed an impressive shade of scarlet.

"Just get out of here, you pain in the ass!" She yelled, throwing a pen at him as he laughed his way through the door. He signed contentedly to himself as the door closed behind him. He had missed this and he knew she had too. Slowly but surely, it felt like things were returning to normal. Fun, and icky thoughts about Sarada getting laid aside, he had what he needed and there were still other things he needed to do before he could meet Mitsuki.

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