Love and Comfort

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The next few days were the happiest of Mitsuki's life, at least that he could remember. It was hard to be anything except happy when he was basking in Boruto's light. It made him long to remember the life he had with his Sun. He hadn't remembered anything else yet which was a source of extreme frustration for him. Boruto had urged patience and assured him that everything would return with time. The most important thing was that they were together again and if nothing else, they could make new memories now. His Sun's optimism comforted him greatly.

Boruto had been gentle with him and insisted they go slow. He also invited himself over and practically moved into Mitsuki's tiny apartment, citing that it was "bad for him to be alone". Not that Mitsuki minded. Boruto was foolish if he believed that he would leave his side. Boruto's presence was soothing in a way that nothing else was. When he was near Boruto, his anxieties were eased. Even his nightmares didn't trouble him as long as he had his Sun to hold onto.

Despite what he said, Mitsuki could tell that his lack of progress was bothering Boruto too as time went on. Each morning, he would wake beautiful face shining with hope only to fall once again when Mitsuki told him that he still didn't remember. Their days were full of strange activities and Mitsuki guessed that they were intended to jog his memory. He went along with them each time but it was getting harder and harder to endure Boruto's looks of crushing disappointment when nothing happened.

Mitsuki was starting to worry about his Sun and it wasn't just because of the depression he was trying so hard to hide. Mitsuki's rest might be much more peaceful these days but that didn't mean that his nights were. It started right after Boruto had moved in. Mitsuki was awoken in the middle of the night by Boruto thrashing and calling out in his sleep.

"No... please! Mitsuki... Where are you?" Mitsuki was alarmed. Boruto's thrashing was getting worse by the second and a cold sweat poured from his brow as he whimpered. Mitsuki took his face gently into his hands and tried to wake him.

"Boruto! It's okay. I'm here. I'm right here."

"Mitsuki!" Boruto cried as his blue eyes snapped open. At first, he didn't know where he was.

"Boruto, are-" Mitsuki was cut off as Boruto dove into his arms, kissing him into silence as his trembling hands explored every part of Mitsuki that he could reach. Mitsuki melted under Boruto's adoration and submitted to his unspoken pleas. If this was how his Sun wished to be comforted, then he would oblige.

Night after night this pattern continued. Boruto refused to speak about his nightmares, preferring to comfort himself physically with Mitsuki's eager reassurances of his love. Mitsuki never complained. He was content that he could provide comfort and he was confident that Boruto would confide his dreams in him when he was ready. Until one night over two weeks later. Mitsuki thought Boruto was doing better. His night terrors, at least, weren't happening every night anymore. That night, Boruto woke up shrieking and his cries were different.

"No! Don't go! Mitsuki! Don't leave me!!" It wasn't true. It couldn't be true. This time, it was Mitsuki who attacked Boruto with his affections. It had just been a nightmare and he willed Boruto to understand this truth with his body. Mitsuki would never leave him. Never. But even as Boruto collapsed, exhausted and soothed back into a peaceful sleep, Mitsuki remained disturbed. He watched the man he loved sleep by the light of the moon. He hated it less when it illuminated Boruto's peaceful face. He could temporarily forgive it for existing when it showed him such beauty. As he stared, his love for Boruto grew, along with his unease. He needed air. Silently, he slipped out of bed and went outside on the balcony.

It couldn't be true, could it? He was sure he would never abandon Boruto. But, could he really be sure? He still didn't remember the events leading up to that terrible night clearly but honestly, he hadn't been trying to remember. He had a feeling something terrible lay in those memories and he was afraid. What did those small missing pieces matter anyway? He had his Sun back and that was all that mattered. He did not let his mind stray to those ragged memories nor did he ask the questions that lead back to them but now they were breaking out of the dark place Mitsuki had banished them to, demanding his full attention.

Why did those horrible events happen in the first place? He knew they were on a mission but what caused them to get separated? Had he abandoned Boruto? NO! Once again, he shut down the thought immediately. He would never have done that, no matter what the circumstances. He would have stayed with Boruto. Only death would remove him from his Sun's side.

He gazed up at the moon and the most dangerous question of all reared its ugly head. How was Boruto alive and well in his bed if he had seen him die with his own eyes? It was the question he refused to acknowledge, stubbornly shoving it away again and again before it could take form but now, just like the moon, it refused to be ignored. He had no answer for it. He had watched Boruto's eyes cloud over and felt his cold, clammy skin himself. There was no question, his Sun had been stolen from him that night.

Panic threatened him for the first time since he was reunited with Boruto. He stepped back inside the apartment and looked at his Sun. He was sleeping, peaceful and still. The blanket gently rose and fell with his steady breaths. Mitsuki was deeply confused. What he was seeing shouldn't be possible but he was just as certain that this was the real Boruto as he was that he had watched him die. Everything was the same, down to his scares and even his smell.

As he watched, Boruto sighed and rolled over, reaching an arm into Mitsuki's empty place. The second his hand met only air and cold sheets, he woke.

"Mitsuki?" He asked as he sleepily glanced around, "Mitsuki?!" He cried, panic in his voice as he flailed in the sheets.

"I'm here." Mitsuki called back to his Sun, his heart aching for his love. Wide, panicked blue eyes whipped towards him and locked with his. Relief visibly washed over Boruto, almost making his collapse back into the bed.

"Oh, what are you doing over there?"

"Thinking." Mitsuki answered honestly as he made his way back to bed. He slid under the sheets and took Boruto into his arms. Boruto buried his face in Mitsuki's chest and breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"What were you thinking about?" Boruto asked, his voice muffled by Mitsuki's night clothes.

"You." Mitsuki again answered honestly but he didn't want to go into any more detail than that. He rubbed comforting circles into his Sun's back and had him back to snoring within moments. Mitsuki smiled down at the man in his arms, feeling like his chest might burst from the from the love he felt. The feeling of his heart beating against his body and the warmth seeping through his clothes made all of his questions and insecurities feel so far away. What did it matter how Boruto was alive as long as he was? He buried his face in Boruto's golden waves and slipped quickly into sleep.


"Crap! They are preforming the ritual in two places. We will have to take this one out now if we are to get to the other in time."

"There is no time, Boruto. If we are to stop them both we will have to split up." Boruto looked horrified at the very thought.

"Are... are you sure?"

"Yes." Mitsuki stated simply. The urgency of the mission demanded that they do this. There was no other way.

"I don't think splitting up is a good idea, Mitsuki."

"It will be okay, Boruto. I will take this group and catch up with you." Boruto still didn't look sure. Misutiki leaned forward and placed a loving kiss on Boruto's plush lips. "Go. I'll see you soon." Boruto caved.

"Grrr, fine. Just don't die." His lover turned and ran into the night beneath the glow of the moon. It was if he himself was watching over his beloved Sun. It was the last time he saw him alive.

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