The Moon's Mistake

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Mitsuki's eyes snapped open. He remembered everything from that night, and it was his fault. It had been his idea to split up and unknowingly, he had sent Boruto into a trap. He had defeated his group easily; far too easily. When his last target smirked up at him, he finally realized what was happening and it was too late. He finally understood why he hated the moon. For years, Boruto had been the Sun and Mitsuki, his Moon. Every time he gazed up at the moon, he had felt like he was looking at himself. When Boruto looked up at the white orb with him, nothing made him happier. Or at least it had.

It was all his fault. The Moon was responsible for the death of the Sun. For a year, he had been nothing more than a frozen rock, adrift in darkness without hope and his own hands were to blame. His memories may have been gone but the effect of Boruto's absence had followed him into the void. Every hateful glance he had aimed at the moon had really been directed at himself for allowing this to happen. Everything he had done since was for Boruto, even though he hadn't known it. Every enemy that had fallen by his hand over the last year had been in revenge.

He remembered how he had fought against his parent, wishing with all his might to die with Boruto rather than forget him. Despite his desire, he was held down and his memories erased by force. He remembered the pain in his heart as the memories of his beloved Sun faded and then disappeared all together. Then he was laying limp on the cold examination table, staring up at the ceiling feeling numb and empty. The ANBU around him slowly released their hold on him and his parent softly stroked his hair as he lay quietly, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes. He was not angry at his parent for what they had done. They had just wanted to save his life, even if it was against his will but the truth was he adored Boruto and even if his mind didn't remember him, his heart would never forget.

He looked down at his lover, still sleeping in his arms. Had he always known? He must have. Then why was he here right now? He was the reason Boruto had died; or almost died. If it wasn't for him, none of this would have happened and Boruto wouldn't have been held hostage for a year. He held Boruto closer, comforting himself with his Sun's presence. He lost track of time simply basking in Boruto's life energy, his light both beating back and intensifying guilt in his heart. Eventually, Boruto began to stir, stretching and breathing in deeply. His eyes fluttered then revealed the blue that Mitsuki would die for without a second thought. Boruto blinked his vision into focus, then smiled at him and once again he was blinded by the light.

"Good morning, Mitsuki." Boruto said cheerfully. Mitsuki said nothing but held his chin and pressed a kiss to his searing lips. He made the kiss last, savoring the heat and the burning in his body.

"Good morning, Boruto." He greeted in a husky voice when they broke apart. Boruto beamed even brighter, if that were possible forcing Mitsuki to squint his eyes against the light. Then Boruto rolled out of bed and he was moving.

"I have to get going." He said as he changed quickly. Mitsuki sat up, watching Boruto curiously as he fluttered about the apartment.

"Where are we going?" He asked. Boruto paused.

"Actually, Mitsuki, this is something I need to do by myself." Mitsuki was confused. Boruto didn't want him to come? He was going out alone? A shiver passed over his body at the thought.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to be alone." Mitsuki reasoned, trying to keep the anxiety out of his voice.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Boruto said with his usual smile and a wink. Mitsuki wasn't convinced.

"What are you going to do?" He asked as he climbed out of bed.

"It's a surprise." Boruto said cheekily. He sauntered over to Mitsuki and kissed him. "Meet me at the statue in the middle of town at noon, okay?" He gave Mitsuki another radiant smile and he knew he couldn't refuse him. He nodded. The light from Boruto's smile was again blinding, then he was through the door without another word. Mitsuki stared after him for another minute. This should be fine. The Leaf Village was safe enough and noon was only four hours away. There was no reason to be worried. Mitsuki decided to follow him.

He went out onto the balcony with the intent of trailing Boruto but something was wrong. He looked around himself, taking in the view from his balcony. The village looked different. No, it looked familiar.This wasn't just the place he was staying, this was his home. He'd lived here for many years. He wasn't on the balcony of a new apartment. This was THEIR apartment. He and Boruto had lived here together. He had often suggested that they get a larger place but Boruto insisted that they didn't need much since they were on missions more often than not. His head spun with the revelation, he remembered! Heavens above, he remembered everything! He staggered as his mind was overwhelmed with all the new information. His hands flew to steady his head as pieces came together one after the other.

The activities he'd been doing all week with Boruto suddenly made sense. Riding on top of the Thunder Train, the lunches at Thunder Burger, watching the sunset from the top of the stone monuments... those were all places that were special to them. He couldn't take it. Mitsuki left the balcony and ran, hurtling forward in a random direction but the feelings kept getting stronger. There was the shop where Boruto always bought those stupid ninja cards and there was the park where Boruto had fallen asleep in his lap. He passed the hospital where they had confessed their love for each other after Boruto was badly injured on a mission.

What felt like thousands of memories awoke as he ran blindly through the village and everything he laid eyes on reminded him of Boruto. They were always together, watching the years pass by here in the Leaf. Boruto wasn't just a man he loved. He truly adored him. He was his everything, the very center of his universe, his Sun, the one he could never live without; and Mitsuki was responsible for his death.

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