First mission

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Jennie's POV
We were in the Van, going to the Bangtan house. Jisoo was with us and it was pretty quiet. We arrived at Bangtan house

JN: Jisoo follow me

Jisoo was following me and we went to the training room. She was shocked when she saw that much of weapons. Don't worry I was shocked but not that shocked

JS: alright so when do we start?
JN: now
JS: now??

We saw Jin coming with weapons and I said

JN: Jin is gonna teach you how to use weapons. We'll be back because we now have a mission.

We were going until Chae said

RS: Jin I'll say it again, you break jisoo's heart, we will break your face into pieces

We saw Jin scared and nodded which meant " ok". We went to the meeting room. We saw everyone. Namjoon came up said said this

RM: ok this is your official first mission. you will take something from a guy named Jin Young Park, who is also known as JYP. He has big mafia groups that will protect him. The groups are ITZY and GOT7. There is also a group called TWICE but they are in our side so don't hurt them. We also told them about you so your fine. Anyways, you have to take this

Yoongi gave us a file with a photo of the thing that we have to steal

SG: if you don't know, this is a file. Inside it is JYP's Most valuable things that he has and we could unlock it using that file. Inside that file, It has the passwords, locations and things like that all over that world and our spies can also Access them as easy as pie.

Hoseok showed us a paper with a building.

JH: that building is JYP entertainment. It has 14 floors ( yes that's true). JYP is in the 13 floor ( not true but the floors are true). ITZY is in the 10th floor, GOT7 is in the 11th floor and TWICE is in the 12th floor. Before you go to JYP directly, you need something from TWICE. It's a weapon that can kill him easily but very hard to pay. You will realize it when you get it but here is the plan. You guys will go to JYP and pretend to be JYP trainees. You won't Actually train. Then, you will use the elevator to go to the 12th floor and get the weapon from TWICE. Then, change to your spy clothes and use the weapon on him and get the file and run away immediately. Don't worry, Yoongi has taken down the cameras. They are on now but when your feet enters the door, all of the security cameras and stuff like that will be disabled. Is that clear? ( that was very long for a plan)

LS, RS & JN: yes!
RM: then off you go!

We went to change into our trainee's outfit and we went inside the building. We went in the elevator and we went to the 12th floor, where TWICE is. We opened the door and we saw 9 beautiful girls

???: you must be the girls that Bangtan was talking about right?
JN; yes . I'm Jennie, this is Chaeyoung and Lisa. We have a friend name jisoo but she is training now.
???: ok. I'm Jihyo. This is Momo, Sana, Tzuyu, Mina, Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Nayeon and Jeongyeon. Together we are TWICE!
MM: here so the weapon!

We saw the weapon and we saw a big powerful gun! I have heard of it. The ATZ- 900. It's so expensive but really powerful. In one go, you can kill a million people. I was exited. Momo handed the gun to me and I hold it like I'm holding a baby.

MM: this is the ATX- 900. The most powerful gun in the world and costs an fortune! JYP takes care of it some much. He "trusted" us with it and here we are!
JN: thank you Momo unnie!
MM: no problem!
JH: make sure to give him a punch for me. He had been body shaming when I was training to be a mafia.
RS: really? I'll do that for you
LS: alright we have to go! Bye! I hope we hang out some day!
TW( TWICE): you too!

They wave good bye and we went to change to our spy clothes.
JN: Yoongi are the cameras disabled?
SG: yup. Your good too go
JN: thanks

We went in and we opened the door. We saw JYP on a call.

JYP: yeah and put that the- Y/N CAll THE-
RS: shut up or you don't wanna get hurt by this

Chaeyoung hold the Gun at his face. We can tell that he was scared to he closed the call.

JYP: so you came here for the file.
LS: what do you think? Give it to us and you won't be hurt.

We saw Chaeyoung punch JYP

RS: for TWICE's Jihyo and for how you body shame her you piece of shit! Now give us the file!

He was giving it to us while Chaeyoung was following him with the gun. He gave us the file and we checked it.

RS: thanks. Say hi to the people you have killed for me
JYP: but I tho-

We shot him and we broke the floor window everywhere.

SG: got it

We saw the van and we went in. I took the gun out from Chaeyoung's hands and shot the people that were shooting us!

JN: yes!! Take that bitch!!!

In the Bangtan's house
Author's POV
Jennie, Lisa and Chaeyoung went to the Bangtan's house. They went inside while cheering inside. They brought the weapon and the file to RM and Suga. They were shocked that they did that. Suga was curious what they did so all of them are about to see the footages

JK: alright! I want to see how Lisa did
LS: I did fine!
JM: Baby where you alright?
RS: yeah I was
RM: were all of you fine
BLACKPINK ( expect for jisoo)

After seeing them on camera
JS: that's my girls
JM: wow... I did not know 3 girls could be this!
RS: *laughs* come on let's sleep
They went to sleep

Hey guys so this my longest chapter I have ever written so please show love support for this and plz follow me! Thx!
Author nim

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