The reveal

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Rosè's POV
When they said that, I was shocked and I was nervous but Jimin back hugged me and said
JM: Dont worry baby, I won't hurt you, I promise * said it in a nice way*
That made me calm and I was exited when RM said
RM: well girls, it's your decision but for us, we really want you to train as mafias like us but don't worry, you're hurting bad people
JN: NO WAY REALLY??!!! ( Jennie loves weapons)
V: you love weapons
LS: more like obsessed
V: I feel like this training will be good for her
LS: I'm in too. I'm ready to kick some ass
JK: that's my girl
JM: Rosè?
RS. I'm also in. Get me guns cause I'm gonna kill the  human shits for fun * smirks*
JM: I love this side of you
RS: well get used to it
We went to the elevator and saw a room with knives, guns, swords and some buddys to practice for ( fake human, like a mannequin)
RM: ok so we will first start with guns, knives and swords. So this is the order. Jennie is with Guns, Rosè is with knives and Lisa with swords. V, your helping Jennie since your good at it, Jimin is helping Rosè and Lisa is with Jungkook. 

JH: and if you guys still need help, we are still here or when your training teacher needs to do something
JN, LS, RS: Got it

RM: then let the training began

250 words

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