The boy who made me drop my phone (BoyxBoy)

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I scuttle hurriedly with my books held in my hands as I walk down the cramped school upper level classroom veranda that leads off on the left side to classrooms. As I walk I take in the surroundings of my school and the people in it. 

A couple is standing close to the bag racks kissing. Opposite them is a chubby boy with black hair and an eyebrow piercing as well as a lip ring. Despite his weight his height subtracts most of it. Other people are lined up for class with bags slung on their backs.  

Everyone knows that I am gay. None of them pick on me though because the school policy is strict on homophobic bullying here. I'm in the middle rank of the popularity scale, noticed and liked by everyone but not a leader. There are a fair few openly gay people at this school. One who I happen to have a major crush on. He's popular and brown haired. His eyes are a shade so dark they look almost black, in other light they look blue-grey, very intriguing. They're almond shaped and not huge but definitely not just slits either. They sit at a perfect in-between and showcase his long eyelashes. His lips are formed and shaped masterfully, filled out and a natural pink, almost light red colour. His nose is a dominant feature to his face, perfectly sculpted in and turned up ever so slightly at the tip. He has a very light tan and toned muscles. All his features are very harsh but beautiful, with an overall soft togetherness. God, how contradicting, harsh but soft, but all together just a master piece of beautiful masculinity and handsomeness. I sound so.... soppy.....

What I wouldn't give to lick those things.... I run my tongue along my bottom lip and sigh. Ryan...

Someone crashes into my back and my books drop from my grip. A crash fills the air, probably from the weight of the books. I spin around, pissed off that my thoughts were extinguished. 

My breath catches; right in front of me is the boy of my thoughts. 

He winces, "Sorry! These veranda things are way too small. Are you ok?"

I take a deep breath, trying to make it unobvious, everything will be fine.... "I-ah... F-fine."

I bend down to grab the book but stop. Underneath all of them is my phone, smashed under the 3 textbooks.

"Shit!" I mutter.

Ryan looks down with a cute confused face. "What?"

I hold up the broken touch screen phone which looks well beyond repair. Ryan puts on an apologetic face. "I'm so sorry. I'll buy you a new one."

I couldn't let him do that. "It’s ok. I shouldn't have had it out."

"I'm buying you a new one. Meet me at the taxi area outside of main shop after school. It won't take long, I promise. Meet around 3:15. Hey, this way I can be your first contact," he says with a wink. "I gotta head to class. Bye, Demian."

He knows my name? (A/N pronounced Du-My-An)

I stand and watch him fade into the crowd of people.  Someone kicks my back and I realise I’m still bent down gathering my belongings. I quickly stand up and see who kicked me. Just my friend Butter. I don't know her real name anymore because everyone has called her that for basically forever. She got nicknamed that because she use to split her sandwiches apart in primary school and throw out the meat. After that she would just lick the Margarine. She hated Butter and when anyone would say 'why are you just eating the butter?' she would get angry and storm off.

"Hey Mian."

"Thanks for the kick," I say sarcastically.

"Anytime Man!"

School went slow. I spent the entire lesson biting my fingernails and dreaming of Ryan. Finally school is dismissed and I hurry out of the class. 

The boy who made me drop my phone (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now