Chapter 7

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I lay on his bed and look at the ceiling "so I saw you and Blossom.. Is anything going on?" He looked at me and smirked "oh? Is someone jealous?" I blushed "w-what? No! I have Boomer and I bet he is way better than you" "Heh yeah sure, think whatever you want babe but don't worry, nothing is going on between me and Blossom" He lays down next to me "Hmm that seems hard to believe since I saw you two flirting" "Oh? So now I have a stalker?" He laughed "w-what?! No! I- I just happen to see you two when I was looking for Boomer and stop laughing" I grabbed a pillow and hit him with it. I giggle while he gets another pillow and hits me with it. We continue hitting each other until he takes the pillow I have away. "Hey! Give it back!" I try to grab the pillow back, but it's too high, so I get closer. "It's unfair how you get two pillows and I get none" he laughs and says "well I say it's fair since I got it fair and square" I grab the pillow but he pulls it away and I fall on top of him. I start blushing "oh I- uh" he lets go of the pillow and touches my cheek. "Your eyes are very beautiful" I blush even more, I don't know what to say so I just stare at him, but then I remember that I'm dating boomer so I get up and sit next to him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall on top of you" I tell him. "Oh were you scared that if you kept seeing my handsome face, that you would fall in love" he smirks. "Ha as if, you're not as handsome as your brother, but you can keep dreaming" "oh, but.." he gets his face close to my face and says " you still think I'm handsome huh" "w-what when did I say that?!" I look away. He laughs and says "I'm just messing with you, but it is getting late so would you like to stay with me or do you want to go back home princess?" I'm dating Boomer, so I can't stay here with him. "I would prefer you taking me home" "okay, let's go princess" he gets up and I get up, but my feet are sore from the party. Brick sees how my feet hurt so he carries me in bridal style. I blush and say "thank you" "yeah, whatever princess" he carries me while flying me home. I hold on to him tightly and then we get get to my house.

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