Chapter 8

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(In case you guys want to listen to music or not, I don't know)

He puts me down in front of my house door "thank you for protecting me from that one guy" I smile and hug him. He hugs me back and says "You're welcome, but it was nothing. I would always want to protect you" "well you should go back, it's late and you should get some sleep" we say goodbye and I go inside my house. I go to my room, I change into my pjs. I lay on my bed and go to sleep.

~Next day~

I turn off my alarm and start getting ready for school. I get my things and start walking to school. I have to stop talking to Brick because it feels wrong, especially since I'm dating Boomer. I keep thinking of excuses to make in order to not talk to Brick but then I accidentally bump into someone and fall to the floor. "Ow.." I rub my head "you should have payed attention to where you were looking princess" I look up and see Brick. "You can't call me that, I'm dating Boomer aka your brother" I get up and pick up my backpack. "He puts his hand around my waist and says "so you're saying you don't enjoy it when I call you princess?" His face gets closer to mine so I move it away. "No I don't, and I have to go" he lets go and I start walking to school again. "Goodbye babe" I sigh and ignore it. I get to school and go to class.

~time skip~

School is over, Me and the girls decided to go to the mall to go out shopping. Bubbles really helped me and Blossom choose really cute clothes, but Buttercup preferred tomboy clothes. I let Buttercup choose a outfit for me too because I actually did like some tomboy looks. We went to the food court so we could eat something, but then they were being called since the Rowdeyruff boys were making trouble again. "Sorry (y/n), maybe next time we will be able to do this again but with more time" bubbles said. "It's okay, I know you guys have a duty to this town, just be safe" "I think you should be worried about your boyfriend instead of us because I'm going to kick his ass" Buttercup says. "Yeah I don't think he's going to have a chance" I giggle. They leave and I go into a store, maybe I can buy something for Boomer but what should I get him? Hmm... I look around. I see these couple bracelets; supposedly when you tap it, ut sends a signal to the other bracelet. I think it's really cute and I want to send him a signal whenever I miss him.

~time skip~

I get my phone and call boomer, I ask if we could meet up. He says yes and to meet up at the park. I arrive to the park, I sit down on the bench. Boomer comes from behind me and hugs me. "Hey Boomie, I missed you" I turn around and look at him "yeah I missed you too love" "I got you a present, so we know whenever we miss each other" "don't we have our phones for that?" "I- well yes but this seems a cute way of doing it" he laughs and says "okay if you say so my love" "hmph now I don't want to give it to you" "aww I'm just messing with you" he kisses my cheek "I think it would be nice getting the singles from you because it means you're thinking of me" I smile "okay, but I better be getting one everyday" "you'll be getting one every minute" I take out the bracelet and put it on his wrist. I put mine on and I tap it, his bracelet lights up. "Yes! it works" I smile and he hugs me "you're so cute" I blush and hug him back. I relized that we don't hangout much and I really want to spend more time with him. I look up at him and say "can we spend more time together, I relized that we don't hangout a lot" he smiles and kisses my forehead "oh course we can. Seeing you always makes my day." The sun was setting so I told Boomer that we should go home. He walked me home and we said our goodbyes. I go to my room and go to sleep.
Thanks for reading! If you guys want you can follow my instagram it's uhhfuckkyou

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