Chapter 1

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"GOOD MORNING CHICAGO! This is Kent Brokwood and it's 6 am this beau-" his voice was cutt off as my hand hit the snooze button on my alarm clock. I hate waking up too that annoying, all too cheerful voice. Ug, well it's probably time to get ready for another WONDERFUL day of school <insert sarcasm here>

I slid out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I slipped out of my pjs and hopped in the shower. After 30 minutes of enjoying the warm water I reluctantly got out. I wrapped myself in a towel, went to my closet and picked out one of my favorite outfits. Black and gray striped leggings with a jean mini skirt, a band tee and my black hoodie, along with some black converse.

When I was done getting dressed I dried my hair and let the dark curls frame my face. I applied a nude lipstick and clear lip gloss to my naturally full lips. Then some mascara to bring out my large green eyes and I was ready. To me I looked hot, but apparently everyone at school just see me as the loser who doesn't talk.  

That's right, I'm mute, but by choice. I mean, what's the point of talking if no one listens anyway?

My thoughts all ran away when I heard my mom yell, "CANDI MARIA ROY, GET YOUR BUT DOWNSTAIRS OR YOUR GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I looked at the clock. 6:57. Shoot.

I ran down the stairs full speed only to almost run into a fuming Nikki. "Candi you have to take me to school because my car broke and you're going to make me late!" she yelled in my face.

Nikki is my older witch of a sister by two months. I'm addopted so we look nothing alike (thank the good Lord) Nikki's a blonde, not naturally, and she has blue eyes. But not pretty blue, they are a dull light blue that scare the crap out of most people. I was addopted when I was two so it's been almost 15 years. You think she would learn to be more sisterly...

"come on freak. Oh and when we get there I want you to wait until I get out of the car and am by my friends before you get out. I don't want to be seen with an emo loser like you." she smirked at the end. I almost lost it right then and there. I hate it when people call me emo. I mean, so I don't talk and I don't dress like a slut, but that does NOT mean I'm emo. (I've got nothing against emo people)

I stare daggers at her and watch happily as she flinched away from my glare. I trudge past her to my car and jump in. She grudgingly gets in and we drive to school. We get there with 15 minutes to spare. Nikki gets out and walks to her followers. When she's with them I pull up my hoodie and get out of the car. I walk to class and go to my desk in the back. I put my head down and daydream...

I was woken up out of my land of fairy tales by a shrill bell, then footsteps and voices. I feel someone tap my shoulder and look up to see Matt Greene, my sister's current boyfriend and the QB of the football team. He looked down at me with a stupid smirk ok his face. "Hey mousie." he said, using that idiotic nick name everyone thought was oh-so-clever. It just sounded dumb to me.

"Nikki wanted me to tell you hat you're walking home. She's taking your car to my party. She would have told you herself but she didn't want anyone to see her with you."

Anger built up inside me. She's making ME walk? ITS MY CAR! I wrote that on a piece of paper and gave it to him. He read it, taking about a minute to read those to short sentences. Moron.

He laughed when he finished reading. "She thought you might say that. Well I have no problem restraining you little miss." he said smiling. I winced. Last time I didn't listen to him I ended up with bruises for almost a month. He walked back to his desk laughing then he picked up Nikki and had such an intense make out session that I almost barfed.

I sighed. I wish he was more like his brother. Justin is one of my only friends. He's nothing like Matt. He has black skater hair where as Matt had brown spiked hair. Matt had bulky muscles and Justin had the longer muscles. Then there's their personalities which are TOALLY different. The only thig they had in common were their forest green eyes. Speaking of Justin...

"Hey Candi!" he said as he sat infront of me. You see, Justin's EXTREMELY popular, so he always sits infront of me so he can still be by me, but he can be sitting with his 'posse' too.

I waved a hello and smiled, then looked down as I heard everyone start whispering about how "the mute has a crush on the hot guy." I swear, I can't even smile without people making wrong assumptions.

As I listened to the whispering continue, I had a feeling this was going to be a long day...

but I had no idea.

< hey there! Ok so this is my first story and I dont know of it's good or not so please comment and tell me! Thanks 

Love Always,  


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