Chapter 2

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.........Chapter 2..........

As class went on and on I tuned everyone out. I put my head down and didn't look up until I heard a collective gasp from the class.

I looked where everyone's attention was and saw the most beautiful man I have ever seen. He had dirty blonde hair and black eyes. He was wearing a black tight- but not too tight- shirt and jeans. I felt really weird just by looking at him, like he was mine. I felt like I NEEDED him. I haven't felt that since I was 5!

I looked away as I saw him look at me. "Hello, I'm Ryan Michels." he said in an English accent. He was lying, and I can't stand liars. You see, I can tell when someone is lying or faking. It's like a defense mechanism er something.

I snapped out of my thoughts just in time to hear the end of Mr. Colux's sentence. "..... seat next to Candi." I felt my eyes go wide and I froze. That GOD was going to be sitting next to me? "Candi, please raise your hand so Ryan knows where you are." my teacher said.

Shyly, I put up my hand, afraid as soon as he saw how everyone scooted they're desks away fro m me he would go running. (not literally of course)

Ryan looked up at me and smiled largely, his brown eyes swimming. Wait, brown? His eyes were just black...

He started walking to me, but then Nikki's arm shot out and grabbed him. She pulled him close and whispered something in his ear. Pain shot throuh me. I mean, I was used to her getting all the guys and everything, but this hurt. It hurt way more then it should have. Seriously, I just met the guy! But the idea of him with HER just makes me want to rip y heart out.

The pain must have been obvious on my face because when he looked back at me he looked almost heartbroken. I looked away and kept my heAd close to my desk. He sat down next to me but I refused to give into my body's wants and look up.

Every once and a while I would alow myself a glance and always found him staring at me. I looked again and he was smiling. "Hey, I'm Ryan" he said in that fake accent. I flinched as the pang I get when someones lying came to me.

I looked up at the gorgeous boy sitting next to me and sighed. This was goin to take some getting used to...

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