Chapter Thirty-One

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BEFORE HE LEFT FOR SCHOOL that same day, he sent Dakota another text message: Can we talk? He didn't get a reply, and when she didn't talk to him during English – while she did sit next to him – he figured the answer was no

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BEFORE HE LEFT FOR SCHOOL that same day, he sent Dakota another text message: Can we talk? He didn't get a reply, and when she didn't talk to him during English – while she did sit next to him – he figured the answer was no. That they spent the entire class in silence hurt even more than if she'd decided to sit somewhere else. The silence reminded him of what he'd done.

Yet, he didn't give up. He tried calling her, even though they'd never called, and sent her even more text messages than he already had. Some were neutral, such as How are you? or Want to hang out after school?, but others were apologetic and asked for forgiveness. I can't tell you how sorry I am. And no matter how many times he tried to explain it, he was only answered with silence.

The silence lasted for at least one and a half weeks since that first English class in which they sat together. He'd see her, and she'd avoid his gaze. If their eyes did meet unintentionally, her expression was neutral. Some days, she wouldn't show up at school, others she would. No matter what day it was, she never responded to his texts, even if she did read them, and when he tried to spark a conversation, she would only respond with a look, a sigh, or a nonverbal 'umph'.

On Wednesday, almost two weeks since the fight had started, Darren came home from another disappointing school day. What had happened that day aside from his silent fight with Dakota, he couldn't remember.

However, when he let himself fall onto his bed to recover from the tiring day, he took his phone out and saw to his surprise a notification. Someone had replied to him, it said, and when he saw who it was, he was certain the tides would change for him and Dakota.

It was from Rebecca, and Darren didn't wait another second to open it.

   Dear Darren, I can't tell you how ecstatic I was to receive your message. Unfortunately, your message ended up in my message request folder, so it took me longer to reply than I would've liked, but I've been wanting to hear about what happened to my daughter for years. I'm happy to hear she's alive and in your hands.

   I would love to meet her one day, and you too. And if I could ask for one more thing: do you happen to have a picture of her? I wonder what she looks like and if she's anything like me or her dad.

   Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. I can't express my gratitude for you reuniting me with my daughter after all these years. Love, Rebecca.

A breath escaped Darren's lips, and he remembered to breathe again. He'd found the Rebecca Kingsley, mother to Dakota Sheely. He jumped up from his bed and felt a rush, his heart rate increasing and his temperature rising.

"When she replies, don't write anything back."

The words Dakota had said to him that Thursday Halloween night came back to him like a flash. Not write anything back? He halted and stared at his screen. How could he not write Rebecca back? She was expecting him to, and it would be rude to not write back, especially since she'd asked him a question. The least he should do was explain the situation to Rebecca.

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