Chapter Eight

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This must have been the hundredth time Liam had said those words during this car ride.

"I can't believe it, I really can't," he said again. He gripped the steering wheel even tighter.

"It's not that–" Darren began.

Liam turned to Darren, furious. "She's the worst, y'know?" he said. "I've known her for so long now – we've been to high school together, but also went to the same middle school – but she..." He shook his head and turned on his blinker. "Okay, maybe I don't know her that well, but I never thought she would do this."

Darren didn't even try to protest and let Liam rage. As long as he took them home safely, all was fine.

"Plan a date and just never show up?" They stopped before a traffic light. Liam slammed on the steering wheel. "This, just..." He grumbled loudly. "I can't believe this!"

"It's green," Darren said, pointing to the traffic light that had the lowest of the three lights turned on.

Liam let a breath escape. "Thank you," he said as calmly as he could.

"Can you..." Darren began, "not be mad?"

Liam's jaw tightened. "That will be very hard," he said, trying to keep himself together for Darren. "How come you ain't mad?"

Darren shrugged. "It's just life," he said.

Liam didn't look at him.

"I might not have gotten to go out with Dakota, but I still had a good day," he continued. "I mean, I got a new shirt, Aimee did my hair..."

Liam pressed his lips together and glanced at Darren's shirt before his eyes returned to the road. "It looks real good too, by the way."

"Thanks." Darren smiled, feeling like he was finally getting through to Liam. His host brother seemed more upset about the evening than he was. "So, not all is wrong. My evening isn't totally screwed up. We're home now, and we can still have a good time."

Right as he said that, they turned into the familiar street where the McCosta family lived. Liam slowed down and parked the car, after which he laid his hand on Darren's shoulder before he could get out of the car. "You know what," he said, "we will."

Darren didn't know what that meant, but he followed Liam inside anyway. The whole McCosta family was sitting on the couch in the living room and turned their heads towards the duo that entered, pity visible on the faces of Aimee, Isaiah, and Adelaide.

Adelaide was the first to speak. "Darren..." she said, getting up and walking up to him with open arms. "I'm so sorry." She embraced him, and Darren hesitantly returned the gesture.

"We feel for you," Isaiah affirmed.

"At least we can't blame your looks for it," Aimee chimed in. "She doesn't know what she's missing out on."

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