Chapter Thirteen

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That was what it took to break Darren: one question. While he'd managed to keep his emotions to himself for most of that day, he burst out crying when he saw the face of his father on his laptop screen. His father Ryan didn't know about anything that had happened that day, or how everything had changed. To him, it had been an ordinary day, and the question was asked out of curiosity. He didn't know what emotional significance that simple question had to Darren.

"I'll take that as not good." Ryan cleared his throat.

Darren shook his head. "It wasn't," he said. "It– It was–" But the sobs prevented him from talking.

Ryan shifted in his seat and got closer to the screen. "Take a deep breath, son," he said. "Don't rush it, take your time." It pained him to see his child in so much distress while there was an entire ocean between them.

Darren nodded and disappeared off the screen to grab a tissue. Today had taken a bigger toll on him than he had wanted to believe, and the emotions were now breaking free.

"I'm here," he said when he sat down on his chair in front of the laptop screen again.

The reappearance of his son brought a small smile to Ryan's face. "Now, when you're ready, I want to know what happened today," he said calmly.

"I'm not ready yet," Darren protested, but his voice came out weak.

His father chuckled. "I did say, 'when you're ready'."

He cast down his head and dried his cheeks. "Right," he said. He tried to collect himself, and the knowledge that his father was a patient man helped him to take as much time as he needed without feeling pressured. "It's a lot, though," he said.

"I have all the time in the world," Ryan replied. "And that's not just a reference to the time difference between Scotland and America."

Darren chuckled. "America is such a European thing to say," was all he said.

"'America is such a European thing to say?'" Ryan repeated. "Look at my boy, he is a true American!"

Darren bit his lip. He wanted to smile, but for some reason, it didn't feel appropriate. "Okay, I'm ready now," he said instead.

Ryan straightened his posture and looked at Darren expectantly.

"Today, Liam..." Darren breathed in and decided to just let the words out. "He had an accident."

Ryan's eyes widened for a second, but he soon collected himself. However, Darren had already noticed the change in emotion.

"What type of accident?" Ryan asked.

"A football accident," Darren said. "It happened during the game."

"Were you there?"

Darren shook his head. "I was with Aimee, and when we heard the news, we went straight to the hospital."

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