Chapter Nine

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I couldn't believe he was kissing me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer towards him. He bit my lip sucking and tugging on it, I ran my hand through his hair tugging on it slightly causing him to groan. " Kathy." he groaned into the kiss. I couldn't help but smile in the kiss eventually pulling away for air, that was actually not that bad. When I'm kissing that bastard it was all about dominance, showing who was boss, being in control. This was way different and I liked the change. I leaned in and kissed him this time with little more fierceness than before. He gripped my hips and slid my hands under his shirt causing him to shiver. He kissed my jawline, ,trailing down to my chin, all the way to my neck, I moaned softly as he nipped at my neck. He pulled away,leaning his forehead against mine panting heavily "That was..."

"Different." I said with a smile causing the both of us to chuckle slightly. This was so different than what I was used to and it felt great. I didn't have to fear what would happen to me if I took control for even a second "So are you still mad at me?"

"No, especially not after that; am just going to miss you so much when I leave."

"I know baby, am going to miss you so much too."

"Baby? I thought I was buttercup."

"From now on you are both." I gave him a quick peck on the lips before pulling away

We both smiled and left the gym, both holding each other's hand. He dropped me off at my room, but not before giving me another mind blowing kiss."Goodnight buttercup."

"Goodnight Nich."

I dropped down on the bed and sighed happily laying down on one of the pillows as I stared at the ceiling, I wonder if this makes us boyfriend and girlfriend now. I mean we kissed and we both put it out there that we both have feelings for each other. Well he was the one who put it out there that he has feelings for me. I didn't tell him that I felt the same way towards him, hell I didn't even know or think I felt the same way. Yes, we're friends and we kissed once or twice. That kiss was amazing, it was something I would want to experience with someone I love. I didn't love him like that, I love him like I would my brother, if I had my brother.Sigh. I'll just have talk to him about it tomorrow when I get up.

Tomorrow I expected to see Grace making breakfast, Junior and Kellie getting dressed for school and Nich well being Nich. But instead I woke up to a whole bunch of racket, and loads of noises. What the hell was going on now? I didn't wanna deal with this now, I took up the pillow from under my head and buried my face into it, hoping to drone out the noise. But I guess that was just wishful thinking cause it only got more worse.

Growling in annoyance I stomped out the room, slamming the door shut behind me. Nich was in the living room with a bunch of tattooed guys who were practically eye fucking me the second I walked in. Rolling my eyes I turned to Nich who was clenching his jaw so hard I thought his jaw bones were going to break. What the hell was up with him?

There is always something up with everybody in here. I thought to myself.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure. What do you wanna talk about?"

"What the hell is going on? Am trying to get some sleep but instead am hearing endless noise, can't you guys keep it down?"

"So that's what you came down here for. In nothing but a T-shirt and your panties." I looked down to see that he was right. I am not a morning person so if someone comes between me and sleep, that person ain't gonna like it. Just saying. In normal situations I wold probably blush a deep red but I was slightly pissed. "Couldn't you wait till I got upstairs before you came down here looking like that. Go change no."

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