Chapter Six

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^The one and only Dr. Grace up top^

I slid to the floor, hugging my knees as I rocked back and forth crying. Why couldn't he just leave me alone. Just as I was getting so much better he just had to come and fuck things up for me. Footsteps rushed into the room, I could hear voices. But I just couldn't register what they were saying.  I felt someone wrap their arms around me and I flinched and pushed them away. I curled up into a ball and continued crying. Why couldn't he leave me alone? Why? Why am I growing through this? Why me?! I cried until I eventually fell asleep. With the one question echoing in my brain... Why?

                                                                           Nich's P.O.V

I paced back and forth after I read the note, I  knew the brotha was fucked up in the head but I didn't know it was that bad. Which person in their right mind, would treat her the way he does. I still remembered the way she pushed me away the second I tried to touch her. She looked so scared, even after so many weeks of trying to get her to come out of her head, its like he still has complete control over her and what she does. I looked at the note one more time, my blood boiling, especially when I saw the pic of her naked in the bathroom. It looked like it was taken rather recently. How the hell did he manage to get a pic of her? The doors and windows were locked and I would've know immediately if something had  

Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

Words can't express how much I miss you.

Don't worry am always here with you

Whether at daybreak or at noon.

PS: your body still looks just as beautiful as I remembered.



And taped at the bottom of the note was  a picture of her.  How the hell does he know where she is? I put down the note and walked into her room, and began searching for her suitcase and her duffel bag. I emptied out the contents on the bed and I took up a beautiful heart shaped necklace. I opened it to see a woman who resembled Katherine but, she was with a young man who am assuming is, Katherine's dad. I closed it and put it back on the bed. I searched the suitcase. Her passport was clear and so were her clothes, taking out my pocket knife I found exactly what I was looking for.

Now that I figured out how he probably knew where she was, I need to know how he got a pick of her. Tonight's going to be a long night.

                                                                          Katherine's P.O.V

I  was currently sitting on Kellie's bed, with Kellie. Grace was busy downstairs making sure that everything was locked down and secured. Kellie looked worried and anxious, while I stared blankly at the blank TV screen. I couldn't sleep, I had slept enough already. I just wanted this to be over more than anything. I feel trapped inside my own mind, like a prisoner and the only thing that comes to visit me are my thoughts. I wanna get out, but it's like no matter how hard I try am always back to where I started. At square 1.  I wonder if my life would be even the least bit different, if one of my parents were here. My mom would give me the most well needed advice and my dad would beat him to a bloody pulp.

Why is it so hard for life to allow me a chance to be happy, even for a moment?Every time I feel like am moving on from all of this, I find myself taking ten steps back. Landing me back where I started. "Uh Kellie can you give me a minute to talk to Katherine for a minute please." she nodded, giving me a hug she left the room, so me and her grandma could talk in privacy. 

"I know it doesn't seem like it at the moment but its going to get better. It always gets better."

I smiled pretending to believe her lies. A part of me wanted to scream at her, argue with her and tell her that she was wrong. This wasn't going to get better anytime soon, it was only to get a lot worse for me and possibly for them. I wanted to say a boat load of profanities at her, but I manage to bite down on my tongue. She smiled and gave me a hug, I gave her back a half-hearted hug in return. She kissed my forehead and left the room. As soon as she left, the tears began flowing like a broken pipe faucet. I made no sound, no whimper, no sob, no muffled cry.

I just laid down in the bed, tears running down my cheeks as i smiled up at the ceiling like a maniac. If anyone had seen me right now, they would think that I had finally gone mad, that I finally cracked under pressure like a fragile baby egg. 


I wasn't going to break. I wasn't going to let him get the victory of seeing how badly damaged I am. I won't let him have any control over me. I won't let him ruin my life. I won't let him get into my head. I chanted these sentences over and over in my head like a mantra, as I continued punching the bag. I had woken up at 3 am in the morning and I couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided, why not use their home gym. 

Your pathetic. Hit.

You'll never come out to anything. Hit

Your weak. kick, hit, kick.

You'll never be good enough.Hit.

Sweat was pouring down my face and blood was flowing down my arm and dripping on the floor, but I continued. I didn't even feel the pain, it was like I was addicted to the pain. I began throwing a series of kicks and punches at the punching bag, letting out all my frustration.

Your a worthless little slut. kick

No one will ever want you. hit 

Your just a waste of space. kick

Filthy little mix. hit,hit, hit.

I had soon fallen into a perfect rhythm. Voices of those bitches would echo in my head and my assault on the bag would just get fiercer than before. I chanted my mantra over and over again.

I won't break. I won't give in. I won't let them get to me. I won't lay like a dog and be steeped on like a fucking door mat. I won't take shit from no  one. I won't be made a fool of.  I wasn't going to let him get the victory of seeing how badly damaged I am. I won't let him have any control over me. I won't let him ruin my life. I won't let him get into my head. 

I won't stop fighting. I wont back down. And I won't accept defeat. 

If he thinks am going to sit back and take his shit, he's in for a rude awakening.

After that round in the gym, I took a nice steamy shower. I rested my palms against the tiled wall of the shower. Letting the water beat down on my back and run through my hair. Relaxing my tense muscles. The blood from earlier was taking its time going away. I did my business and went downstairs to grab breakfast. "Good morning everybody." I said with a smile on my face I walked towards the fridge to grab an orange juice or at least an apple. I managed to ruffle Nich's hair a bit.

"Uh Katherine are you feeling alright."

"Of course am feeling alright why wouldn't I be?" I said as I bit into the apple.

"I mean last night it was like you just shut down."

"That was just a minor set back. Am fine."

"Baby girl finally realize she needs to quit moping and start fighting' back.  Now that's what am talking bout." Grace said as she walked into the kitchen in her pjs and her fluffy slippers. She looked like a crazy mess, with her hurricane hair.

"I might like the fact that you decided to start fighting.  But just remember not every battle was meant to be fought."

A/N: Looks like our girl Kathy finally found herself and not a moment too late either. AM so proud of my baby girl for realizing she needs to fight back. Sorry if the poem sucks. I think this was an OK chapter. What do you guys think?

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