Chapter Five

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^Nich above^

"Scars don't show that your weak, they show that you survived👍🏽💪🏽 ."

-PervyD14 👌💋

Time sure does fly by fast even when you're sitting at someone's house doing absolutely nothing. Well at least I didn't have to go to therapy for at least a week. After my completely, pathetic and utterly embarrassing, mental break down the other day, I don't think I could show my face again. I kind of feel a little better, since I talked about it and since doc shared her story with me. But I still felt the same way I've been feeling for the past 3 weeks and 2 days after the incident. I couldn't even function at work, cause somehow word got out about what happened, let's just say I didn't really cope well with pity or sympathy or the gossip, mostly the gossip tho.  

It was like, that was the only thing they talked about, even some of the customers knew about it. Like don't they have anything better to do than gossip about other people's business. Anyway long story short, I quit. Hand in my apron and cap. That was 2 days ago though.

Nich was leaving the day after tomorrow which was going to suck ass. He was the only friend I had at the moment, I lost contact with all my other friends since I began dating he who shall not be named. Another thing I regret. He offered to take me with him, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to leave. The main benefit of leaving with him, was the fact that I could start fresh. Get a new job, a new place, maybe some new friends. Even tho I don't mind having Nich as my only friend.

I got up from off the bed and walked to his room. I opened the door of his bedroom, to see that it was empty. The bed was made, his room was surprising clean, and I didn't hear the shower running so where could he be. "Can I help you?" I turned around to see Nich in wearing a sweats, running boots and he was shirtless. Sweat was dripping down his perfectly tanned body and, his hair was wet and slicked back.

If it wasn't for my fear of males right now, I would probably do him in a heartbeat. I mean who wouldn't? He was fffiiinnne! And his tattoos just gave you that bad boy vibe. "When is your flight leaving again?" I said covering the fact that I was just checking him out. Not that he can blame me anyways. Hopefully he doesn't take notice tho, the last thing I need right now is for him to remind me how "hot" he is. Yeah he's attractive and shit but he isn't hot.

"Thursday." he answered shortly, dropping himself on the bed, causing him to bounce temporarily until he came to a stop.

"Is it possible if I uh, tag along with you?"

"You wanna come. With me. To LA?"

"Uh yeah."

"I thought you hated that place." he said raising his brows at me. Yeah, I wasn't really a fan of LA cause of, well personal reasons. I wasn't a fan of New York either, don't get me wrong its a cool place. But I didn't really fancy it ya know.

"Well ion really have a lot of options. I mean I do but I just rather go with you, being that you're the only thing close to a friend that I have right now." I said looking down at the floor, to cover the slight blush on my face. "Aw buttercup am touched." I rolled my eyes and smiled at him, he returned the smile with one of his own. He hugged me and I hugged him back. When I told Grace that I was leaving with Nich, she was so happy if I hadn't known any better I would've thought she couldn't wait to get rid of me.

The kids didn't take it so well though, I am going to miss the little brats so much, they were like the little siblings I will never have. The rest of the day was spent watching movies, eating snacks and playing board games. It was fun and exhausting. I went to my room, after showering I stood in the full length mirror to view my body. Taking a moment to look at what he had done to me. My once unblemished, beautiful, cream skin was now filled with scars of different shapes and sizes.

 Each scar telling a painful story, I wouldn't wish this to happen to  my own enemy or anyone for that matter, no one deserves to go through this. The wounds on my back had completely healed up by now, but as expected the scars remained and they weren't going anywhere. Sighing I got dressed in a hello kitty tank top and matching shorts before walking towards my soft bed that was calling my name.

I froze as I saw a note on my bed, with my name . That wasn't there before, how the hell did it get there. Taking a deep breath, I count to 10 hoping that the stupid note wouldn't be right there. Might as well get it over with right? I shakily took up the note in my hands and opened it. The note fell from my hands on the floor and I did what anyone could do when they read something like that I screamed.

A/N:. How you enjoying the book so far? And what do you think was in that little note that scared our poor Kathy so much? Find out in the next chapter. Don't forget to vote, share and comment and stay safe. Buh-Bye.

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