Chapter 48

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After finally getting rid of the pounding headache and hangover, I meet with Louis, Niall and Liam to rehearse.

As we sing and get back into our groove, we stop for a break.

"Hey, I think the girls are singing next door" Louis says.  He heads towards the connecting wall but we can't hear clearly.

"Is that Nico, Cherry and Toni?" Liam asks.

Niall shakes his head but says yeah.

"We should let them do their thing and keep on track for our stuff."

"Aw, come on, Niall.  Aren't you the least bit curious?  I want to hear them" Liam says as he walks towards the studio next door.  "Besides, I need to see Toni in action.  You guys have said so much and I've yet to meet her."

I am reluctant but a part of me would like to see what they are up to and how they sound.

We all walk quietly and stand in the back of the studio.  Immediately, I see that the guitar player is sitting watching the festivities.  Fuck me.  He's always around.  My fists ball up at my side.  For fuck sake, I don't understand how he is with her.  He's several years older than her.  She belongs with someone my age.  Surely Nico would agree with me. Guess I can't expect her assistance.  I've been a downright twat.

They are bantering about trying to get Cherry over the nervousness.

"We'll have to sing it tonight so why not practice it here in front of Chris" Nico tells Cherry.  She glances over at me and winks "It's not like Chris is a 'real' singer so ..."

"Those are fighting words, Nico.  Sister or not, don't make me hurt you for insulting my man." Toni tells her.

I hang my head.  She's calling him her man.  Reality stings.

Louis puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes.  He's trying to be supportive but right now, it's still a knife in my heart.

We stand at the back of the room and watch the three ladies perform a Wilson Phillips song.  They actually sound very good.  I can tell they are a bit nervous but they can hit the notes and seem comfortable with each other on the stage.  I smile as I can see some mischievous looks in Toni's eyes. She flits her glances to Nico and Cherry. 

Cherry is not comfortable being in the public spotlight so the fact she is agreeing to do this performance, be it a karaoke show, is very surprising.  She and Ed are such private people, one of the things that allows them to be 'normal' at a time when Ed is so popular. 

The song is near the end and I nod to the guys.  I point to the door.  I need to leave.  I can't keep watching this.  They all follow me out of the studio.

"She is beautiful isn't she?" Liam says to us as we walk towards the large studio in the other building. "I mean, I've seen photos of her but they don't do her justice."

"Yeah, she is beautiful" Niall replies.  "And not just on the outside, but inside.  I mean, she came to my rescue."

"What about the other brunette?" Liam asks.  "She is just as beautiful."

"That's Nico and hands off, Payno.  Don't make me hurt you." Louis chimes up.

I smile at my friend.  He likes Nico.  He's been off when she didn't spend the night with him.  I've not seen him be so protective or territorial about a woman.

"Ah, that's the one you like." Liam smiles.  "No worries, Lou.  I am not interested in hooking up or getting serious with anyone right now.  I'm just enjoying spending my time with Bear.  I date, but that's all it is."

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